
Yep, this could be a problem with children who reside at a university that don’t come home every 30 days.  Seems like they didn’t think this policy out quite fully.


This should work great for families that have kids at a university away from home still relying on parents to help support them.

Who couldn’t have seen this coming? While in Colorado it has been sub 30's temps for the past couple of weeks, have not lost power once.  I can’t really understand why Texans would rather what they have than what I have.

Well you can watch the video.

They have had a lot of practice putting out gas fires.

In other news.

Sure, I guess I will take their own word for it. /s Also:

Well they have 16,000+ orders for the Megapacks that are sold out until Q4 2024 and those are priced 2 million or higher each.  So sure, just a car company.

Well Q4 they made 467 million from regulatory credits, and 5.522 billion from automotive gross profits.  So your statement is factual false.

We are most definitely living in the most Stupidest Timeline...ever. #StupidestTimeline

Why? Does anyone need a 16 inch iPad? I have a 12.9 inch iPad pro and that is almost too big to hold, plus Apple hasn’t allowed iOS to be a true OS that can compete with MacOS.

What does the size of the country matter? Most new technologies have similar S curves.

It took Norway 8 years to go from 5.6% EVs in 2013, to 86.2% on 2021. Also a lot more auto companies are producing EVs today than in 2013. I bet this comment will not age well.

I wish my city in Coloardo would do this, but unfortunately they have no plans to do anything like this. Comcast is the only option for internet for me.

It would be nice if we had competition, but unfortunately the cable companies has made sure this is not an option, so we pretty much have to grin an bear it.

Still his company idiot.

Well Musk figured out how to land a rocket after launching it and reuse it a second time, to me that sounds like a quite a bit tougher than a car driving on a road on its own. But I can see your replies to my questions are pretty much because you don’t like Elon Musk, so you are partial one direction so expecting

Ok, then how do you make FSD better, unless you actually use it on roads that others drive on? How many 15 year old drivers with learner’s permits are driving on a simulated tracks and when they turn 16, they allow them on public roads and basically say “good luck”. The technology doesn’t improve if it isn’t being

I don’t really know why what it is called, really matters. There is a ride at Six Flags in Valencia Ca, called ‘Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom’, if you took that name as what will happen, I doubt anyone would ride the ride.