
Nearly 43,000 people died in car accidents in the US last year, and someone is actively trying to solve this problem, yet people or groups keep on shitting on the person trying to actively reduce that.  Seems quite shortsighted in my view.

Seems about right for this stupidest timeline we are forced to live in.

So you would rather not have anyone do anything, and allow...checks notes...42,915 people die in a car accidents in 2021? Maybe the reason he hasn’t delivered it, it is really really hard since no one else has accomplished it. The person that figured out how to reuse rockets, I think can figure out how to do this. but

Yep, 100% agree on this stance.  After that movie, I still didn’t know who all the characters were.  Would have been much better as a TV show they could spend time developing the characters.

You do know that Wind and Sun can create electricity also, and batteries can store that electricity?

Supporters that can’t see through his con, which at this point I have no idea how you can’t.

You are probably the same type of person that wanted Hillary thrown in prison for deleting emails, I bet.

Well, at the present time, the train wreck they have as the flash, at least it is better option than we currently have.

Or, a 4th option. Fill the Flash parts with Grant Gustin, and problem solved. You get a Flash movie that people already know the actor as the Flash from the TV show, and you get to rid yourself of Ezra Miller and not have to throw out a full movie for it.


More than a million pre-orders, seems like a bit of demand.

Not sure if you have looked at wait times for a buying a Tesla, it is quite a bit out, so that might be more of it.   A model Y ordered today, is delivering in July...2023. Another stupid Gizmodo article here.

How are my feelings hurt? I own nearly $250k of Tesla stock, I could care less what Gizmodo reports. They referenced this article here that was wrote in Feb....2021 . A lot of things have happened since this article so this ruins Gizmodo

That is accurate, for also pretty much every other news source at this point.

This is a stupid article title. Shanghai had a month shutdown due to Chinese Covid lockdown policies, was the reason revenue is down. Tesla and their products had nothing to do with this. Also, Tesla produced more vehicles in June that any other month in their history, but I understand negative click bait titles gets

You do know two things can be true, or false.

Agree with this view.  If you want to see multiple of the same store, then that is the mall for you, but past that no different than any other mall.

Myrtle Beach, if you are interested in a golf vacation, hard to beat it considering there are 90 golf courses in the city. I can’t comment on doing the non-golf things there since we usually go before Memorial day and after Labor day, which is not the main touristy season.

Short answer: No, Long Answer: Still probably No, unless you make it a very small part of your 401k.

Well China is selling 5 to 1 EVs compared to the USA. So it appears they are doing something to help, unlike the US.