
If you are forced to do urinalysis testing for drunk driving probation and get stage fright, this is definitely probably good information.

This meat to be posted on another article and the refresh of the page it posted here for some reason.

SpaceX is his company, idiot.

Did I say anything of the sort?  Apparently you are reading more into to the statement since I didn’t state anywhere he invented electric cars.

Ok tell me another rocket company that has I figured out how to reuse rockets. I will wait.

Derek DelGaudio’s In & Of Itself (2020)

Derek DelGaudio’s In & Of Itself (2020).  So much better going into it blind and I think it was my favorite movie of 2020.

This would be great, if anyone did anything to him.  Until he pays any price for any of numerous crimes he has done, I will still believe he is above the law.

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars and still no one has caught up to him, but go ahead and state he is not very bright.

Well he got a Gizmodo article for his feat, so I am not sure it was quite meaningless.

They could always speak with their dollars if they are really mad about, since that seems it would have much more impact.  

He gave Alex Jones a platform. That is about all I need to know, to not get information from the JRE show.

I am paying about $5 more a month on 2020 Model 3 from what I was paying on my 2011 Acura TL through State Farm. So I didn’t see much of raise in insurance cost going to a Tesla.

The most wild thing is that Joe Rogan had virus expert Michael Osterholm on his podcast back on 3/20/2020, which was basically the beginning of Covid-19 Pandemic, yet still promotes this stupid fake information regarding the virus, vaccination, and cures.

Is it safe to text and do things on your phone when you drive?  Also, Tesla disabled the game play when the vehicle is in motion.  Doubt any other auto manufacturer disabled the car from moving while texting or doing whatever on your phone, since I am sure people are still doing it.

You must in be a T-mobile 5G Ultra Capacity location. I am located in a 5G UC and my download speeds are pretty impressive for mobile.

Are you kidding me?? Maybe do some research before posting dumb responses. I can tell you there are far less accidents in Teslas than normal ICE vehicles.

Being the owner of a Tesla, I know that no one is doing this unless they are rigging their steering wheel to not nag you to touch since it nags about every 30 seconds if you are using Autopilot and not touching the steering wheel.  If you have FSDBeta, there is not a chance you are doing this since the system will nag

I listened to “Ride the Lightning” Podcast by Ryan McCaffrey during my 700 miles of working on my safety score.