
We could add to the 9/11 name scroll all of the innocent civilians killed in our little war against Iraq. A country who had nothing to do with 9/11.

Aren’t you still in training though? Sorry that I forget.

Natalie is totally a Main Line Jewess, and Ilana already has one of those.

Lindy West called him “lamprey mouth” in her recap and i will never be the same.

To be fair, Broad City should make everyone feel bad about everything. It’s what I desperately wanted Girls to be and boy did that turn out poorly.

Oh, Miley!

Jesus, people must be fucking delicate.

I think you’re confused. I’m 99% sure that he didn’t beat her up because she gave the baby vodka. He beat her up because he’s an abusive drunk that was pissed off because he couldn’t drink his vodka that he had put in a WATER bottle probably so he could drink it at work.

I can’t hate (or even greatly dislike) this man. Every time I try, I remember the nerd who did the Kevin Smith movies and all is forgotten.

The bigger her lips get, the more his chin recedes.

“Rack city bitch, rack rack city bitch / Ten ten ten tens twennies and dem fiddies, bitch” = pure genius, how could I never see it before?

I’ve met a lot of people who are drug addicts that seem pretty chill and normal the first time you meet them...but stick around. How do they react when their gf ODs? When a deal goes south? When paranoia get the best of them? When someone or something gets between them and a fix?

Purdue Pharma “were able to essentially re-patent the active ingredient by introducing a time-release element. Prior to the 1990s, strong opioid medications were not routinely given for miscellaneous or chronic, moderately painful conditions; the strongest classes of drugs were often reserved for the dying. But

I tried it once and spent the majority of the evening puking in a bush. Vowed “hell no never again”

I see a lot of people who have this take place while working with the VA. They LOVE to over prescribe, then abruptly cut off a persons opiate prescription...not so surprising when people go to heroin. They will also often prescribe opiates to people with a history of heroin use. It's crazy.

Yeah. Our house looked nice too. And it looked like that until it didn’t. And then my father died, but only after destroying himself and everything and everyone around him until no one, nothing was left - not even a vestige of his former brilliant self. He thought the same way you do. He had it under control.

It’s...not a thing. The subculture of people who are “poly” and “chill” doing heroin casually with people they meet online is exceedingly small. Please don’t do this again. I don’t even know you and I care about you more than a bored poly housewife who’d give an inexperienced stranger heroin.

It actually is becoming more of a thing now with middle class folks because they get hooked on prescription opiates, and then find heroin is much cheaper.

Is there anything to Burning Man other than rich people in ornate hippie costumes pretending that they discovered psychedelics?