The Biden bashing articles worries me. I don’t think they realize he is the only way we will win.
The Biden bashing articles worries me. I don’t think they realize he is the only way we will win.
Nah. McConnell and all the rest of those corrupt fuckers deserve to be called out.
This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.
The "Make Kanye 2006 Again" was genius, and not just because I played Late Registration constantly that year. I did find it interested that he straight up refuted Kanye's claim that people told him not to wear a MAGA hat.
There was a trade-in (Sequoia) that I forgot to mention, but I really have no idea what they got for it because I didn’t feel like doing the math to find out. Looks like you cracked that case though!
No, no. We didn’t sell the house to pay for the truck. We sold a house to move to a better area and used some equity to pay off the remainder of the loan.
You should have checked out the Z71s. or is it Z73s? No, wait, it’s Z79s. Dammit. Hold on. [tap tap tap tap tap] Z79s. Yup. Nope. Wait. Z71.
I’m with you. It just isn’t the same without the plastic. It adds a je ne sais quoi.
Yeah uh we use pig heart parts in human heart transplants because their bodies are so similar to ours. Why draw the line at dogs? What about horses? Cats? Rodents? Birds? Fish? Those are all animals people keep as pets. As are pigs, sheep, goats, cows, deer etc etc. What makes dogs so different? If eating any meat is…
The thing is that most people here in North America don’t give two shits about how the animals they eat are treated. This is about a white man pushing his entirely arbitrary moral standards onto another culture.
I was a little surprised not to see Heathens, the rare popular song I hate, on this list.
At least Jolie devotes her energy to ostensibly noble and selfless causes, whether or not she was once a D-bag or is still one in her personal life.
I would rather spend all day being forced to look at pictures from Patrick J. Adams and Troian Bellisario’s twee camp wedding (two people I like but boy, the THEME) than pretend to care for one minute that I give a shit about Tobey Maguire, Demi Moore, or Tobey Maguire and Demi Moore.
i’m just putting on hairs, cp - it’s what i call my living room.
what is the point of a Roomba if it can’t pick up the stuff the dog tears up ur that the cats shred?
He’s only had 2 drinks, just like that pansy Tom Scocca suggested
Seriously? Commenters ARE horrible quite a lot of the time—even here. Can you really blame her?
So cool! Still miss Lindy around here.