Is this a video? Love those Top Gear guys.
Is this a video? Love those Top Gear guys.
Fassbender? Eh? What's this story?
welcome to adulthood.
Its just an added layer to the myriad reasons you would want another. Deciding on TWO kids is even harder than deciding on the first to us- we know the reality of how hard/expensive/wonderful it is. We dont want her to be an only child- we both have multiple siblings- but what about the planet? And daycare costs? And…
yep- an heir and a spare. Just in case. My husbands begging for another just so he could keep going if something happened.
I love it and I love your comment, forget the haters.
Cocaine, big money, DeLoreans... Sigh. I was born in 82, so I don't really even know.
His lyrics are so wimpy, I can't. Grenade- he would die for a lady who doesn't even notice him? Sheesh, get some self esteem.
I loved those books.
I would want to jump off a bridge, but all these stories about being reunited twenty years later would keep me around, like some living dead monster.
Best workout quote: Exercising is putting on your shoes and closing the door behind you.
The only people I know with dreads that smell like patchouli and weed are white people, lots of white dudes in ponchos who never wash their sheets and have bongs on every table in their apartment. Or chicks who go to burning man and wear weird bell bottom tights with belts. It didn't HAVE to be a racist comment.
This commercial is literally the only thing that makes me want a second kid. No husband pleading, no kid saying she wants a brother...just this ad.
My therapist told me I had that, so I too like that it is being put out there in the media. Good luck! They say we even out by mid thirties, and I am 32 and feeling A.O.K. I keep the black and white thinking at bay most of the time.
I'm three years into my new sewing hobby, i love hearing other people talk about it.
Target, pink XXL hangers, FTW. But! I needed interview clothes and not one button up shirt or blazer fit me. Old Navy had no proper blazers, but had a button up shirt. I have an interview TOMORROW and am going with a shirtdress and a cardigan, because no one makes a suit that fits me. No one.
My nails only take 10 minutes without a speed dry top coat or any fanciness. And my favorite brand costs 1.99/bottle. Lasts about a week. What is everyone doing with their lives (and nails)??
The headline is pretty obvious, and that caption pic sends it home. We all have to live in this world, everyone has topics that cause them anxiety and trauma.
Oh God, I am going to be THIS commenter: I don't think you are supposed to walk up to blind people unannounced and kiss them, his family looked annoyed.
I can say that I signed up for the gym in October and am still going!