
No. YOU chose to breed. YOU pay for it.

Let's be real: she's all for Feminismâ„¢ as long as there's money in it.

Quick, everybody run, it's the MALE GAZE!!!

when men and women have the same jobs, their pay is also the same.

These 'insane' custies all seem to have untreated mental illness. So haw haw, I guess?

Oh noes, evil scary penises.

Doesn't work on top commenters like me.

Yes. Maine is known hotbed for religious zealotry.

OK, lady, go move to a Muslim country and get back to me on that.

If detectives didn't stereotype, they'd never solve any crimes.

Not even sure. Tough to say what color Arabs are anyway. Some Muslims are black Africans, some are South Asians, some are from the Caucasus, but they all love killing infidels and oppressing women.

A white Muslim, perhaps. Hating Islam isn't racist, because it isn't a race, dummy.

LOL. Right. A 'hate crime'.

Doesn't take CSI to figure this one out, bub.

Religion of peace strikes again. Nice job avoiding any mention of Islam, though.

I think we should force women to go into higher-paying professions, have mandatory abortions and work lots of overtime. Only then can we achieve our dream utopia of GenderPayGapâ„¢ elimination.

This being California, there were probably a good proportion of Hispanics and Asians, along with a smattering of blacks. So, in other words, proportional. This wasn't a white-person gathering.

Being a cocky asshole works.

But you totally voted for Obama right?

I love how open and tolerant liberals are.