
“The best way I can describe it is, having a diaper on & never changing it. And just sitting in that diaper the whole year.”

I can’t wait to take my own kids to Cooperstown just like my Father took me and show them the plaques of all of the great players...and Trevor Hoffman and Omar Vizquel.

I thought the whole point of Brexit is that you could say this stuff now

10th division?

If you are a penguin and feeling suicidal, please call 1800-226-8359. That’s 800-CAN-TFLY.

Shit, the War on Christmas is real

Matt Barnes should go explore the world though.

He got concussed while scrambling for a 3-9 team, that was down 24-3, on a play that didn’t even count.

I’m not crying, you’re crying

Years ago I sat down at Wrigley Field, somewhere along the third base line, excited to watch the Cubs play the Cardinals. I looked to my left, and sitting one seat over, was Sager.


Rest In Peace, Craig. GQ should give him most stylish man of the year.

This is [sniff] hilarious [sniff]. Excuse me, I got something in my eye.

Potentially all of them!

Oh man, when I eventually see Pop get emotional over this, I’m going to turn to fucking ribbons.

“Hannah Storm is off today.”

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

I know the PERFECT man for the job.

I have been taking a news break since the election because that shit is just too depressing, so for the first time in my life I find myself listening to sports talk radio.