
Sorry Deadspin, but in the US soccer world, ur only slightly better than TMZ.

If you stay up for the whole thing, you’re going to start hallucinating around the time you get to Civil War. That’s when you unlock the secret, improved version of these movies, where Iron Man is a singing hamburger, Thor is best friends with a tiny flying hippopotamus, and everything in Doctor Strange looks normal.

“The chair is lower” was pure fire.

You’re a conspiracy theorist.

I thought it made perfect sense and encapsulated his desperate need to be loved and accepted by God, the gang, and his dad. That’s been his primary motivation since season one.

As others have said, McRaven essentially telling Trump to get fucked sideways is a huge deal. As a general rule, service members of every branch are allowed to have whatever political opinions they wish, but they are not allowed to express them while in uniform (largely because this could be interpreted as speaking for

No one is calling for the lionization of these guys, it’s just that taking away their clearances does create a knowledge vacuum that does have real world security implications.

Sorry, but McRaven ‘coming out’ is a HUGE deal.

Here’s another way to dream: if Grinda’s ongoing Russian Mob prosecutions in Madrid ensnare Donald Jr. (or Eric or Ivanka), even if his father pardons him in the US, he could be prosecuted in Spain (US and Spain have full extradition).

Could the Raptors flip him?

Good to see LeBron get another shot after his last GM stint ended poorly.

You know the rankings are based on results, right? There’s not a guy in Zurich putting a list together.

Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

I still think he may be working on a way to transfer consciousness from human to host, and that will be William’s reward if he succeeds. How you ask? Well those drone hosts looked pretty advanced; robots making robots...

They should go after the duo of DIK and ASS next, as there is no way two people could have that many high scores all across the country without cheating.

It is kindof funny that the two teams in the second-biggest market in the country, and (arguably) the entertainment capital of the world, have possibly the two best players in the game (Kershaw and Trout) and their personalities are both about as marketable as a sack of potatoes. And I say this as an Angels fan of 20+

