
I wrote sports for a news paper and asshole athletes far outweighted the nice guys. My two standout nice guys: Walter Payton and Michael Jordan. Yeah, Jordan, really.

My eventual wife almost got into a fist fight with Jenna Jameson.

“I’d been meaning to talk to him and I got tied up with a few things,” Bowles said of the failure to inform Fitzpatrick.

Another thing he might have forgotten: Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard.

Four, actually. Possibly eight.

Pictured: Indianapolis on a Sunday night.

I don’t know about a thug, but he’s definitely a Bad Guy.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Look at her go!

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

“Instead they suspend him for 5/8ths of a season”

Someone please remind me how many games Ray Rice got for knocking his fiance unconscious? JUST CURIOUS.

Dude’s going to get Eugene Monroe’d over this. Maybe someday we can stop pretending some plant is the worst thing 300 + lb men can put in their bodies to get them up to play football. But until then, his career is over.

as a crohnie, i’d like to say this makes me hate goodell more

From Brazil: the sadness is overwhelming down here. Chapecoense was the cinderella story of the year in Brazilian football, and nearly everybody, no matter the team they are a fan of, was pulling for them. This was their best season ever and they had a very real shot at taking the Sudamerica Cup. Of the six survivors,

When I was ten or eleven my dad (a Packers fan) took me (a Bears fan) to my first ever game, a Bears/Packers game at Lambeau. This was early Favre era, the Pack were good, the Bears were terrible. Late in the game with the Packers up by more than three touchdowns the Bears scored a meaningless TD (their first of the

Good call wearing WR gloves, there’s high chance of catching a Tannehill pass in those seats!

This is exactly why I would never take my kid to a NFL game. All I could think about is one of these drunk, Trump supporting assholes rolling over my rail-thin son and smothering him. I’d hate to have to beat 10lbs off of someone just to make sure my kid doesn’t suffocate.