Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.
Michael Carter still holds the national high school shot put record with a throw of over 81 feet. I’d argue that might be the most untouchable record in any sport.
“That toughness comes in handy in a place like North Dakota. You see, up there, jamming your numb fingers against someone’s ice-cold helmet happens every practice. Getting decked on the cement-like dirt is just how a play ends.
I was at a Bears game over a decade ago. I remember the excitement of seeing the local kid and young star McNabb (because the Bears were, as usual, dogshit). Around the third quarter, I think, McNabb threw a completed pass. Suddenly a guy behind us goes into a full on racist tirade. I turn around and am surprised to…
No snark, Hannah Storm handles these unfortunate and unenviable reports with aplomb, striking just the right balance of professionalism and humanism.
Damn it why do all the good ESPNers dying? Why can’t death come for Wilbon instead? Or Steven A?
Traveled to Chicago last year to see the Cardinals play the Bears. I wore this shirt to the game, along with a Cardinals hat and jacket, so I thought it would be clear I was trying to mock their team. Instead, about 500 Bears fans were giving me high fives, asking where I got the shirt, and even offering money to buy…
“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”
Men’s Swimming Olympic Gold Medals since 1896:
-Vice President of Ultimate Frisbee
Without realizing Marvel already did that, and called it Guardians of the Galaxy.
“What if we did the Avengers, but with lesser known characters and none of the setup movies?”
Not even Gordon can get high enough to catch those overthrows.
So does mental illness.
The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.
Today I Learned: There are actually HIV Deniers...
Can we be real? You’re an asshole.