Ambitious Procrastinator

no Rompers come installed with ass catheters

In space… no one can hear you make half-assed jokes

The man's never subtweeted in his life

Larry Poppins

Everybody start preparing your "Where were you when Trump was impeached?" stories

the most shocking part of this is that Megan Amram stole my joke

but her females…

Easy Comey easy go-ey

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government

i was only clicking this article to make a joke referencing the seizure-inducing TV show. Well played Av Club, well played…

I like how at the end a particularly devastating review they have they temerity to add a link to purchase the album because it helps support the AV Club

Trump's tweets resemble the ramblings of a monkey at a typewriter attempting to write Shakespeare

Incidentally, why does Eric Trump look like he's always pressing his face against glass?

Pile? More like Pile of Crap!!

The New York times ran "Kosher Nostra" as a headline when some Jewish mob ring got busted up i believe, so thats another demerit against them.

Jimmy Carter?????

He's wearing a Hormel Black Label Bacon hat, obviously he is an AV Club mole sent there to generate content for a Great Job Internet article.

You know what they call a Big Mac in Canada?

I read the bottle on the right as Filet Depression

the giant rat will look good next the Russian mole