Ambitious Procrastinator

how can he drive such a big rig with such tiny hands?

Jesus Christ almighty this is so fucking embarrassing

Fox retracts wiretap gaff thats a fact Jack

comment flagged for ruining my joke

Studio Executive: You know what'll get the kids excited about this movie? a Museum!

But his mom says he's cool…

Remember this when it's revealed that he'd been wiring tapping his opponents in the 2020 election

I'm sure this will go over smoothly and will not upset anybody in the slightest

Is .exe short for excrement? Cuz thats what you'll get if you hire Leto for your film.

None of your business

They won't want any of my fan art. Ask me why.

Then the stomach!

You mean Jimmy Kimmel won't host again?

Listen, if I wanted to watch footage from my last family reunion I'd just go down to the police station where they confiscated the video camera.

We also would have accepted, "tell me what you think of me."

The West Wing flies again!

Recording "Do You Think I'm Sexy" is still the worse crime

this time the Turtles return to face their nemesis.. the dastardly Nielsen Ratings

Pizza related puns are truly the height of what humanity has to offer

Oh, i gave him the tip alright…