Ambitious Procrastinator

The names for the songs in the last half of the track listing sound like the ingredients in a boner pill knock off

Whenever there's not an Applebee's around, everyone should be asking "Where's Applebee's"?

Swift Justice

Hayters gonna Hayt

Shady man engaged in shady dealings shocked to learn of his shady reputation

Say what now?

Kid Rock for Senate: Make America Bawitdaba da bang da bang diggy diggy diggy Shake the boogie said up jump the boogie Again

Meanwhile I stand outside a radio station requesting "I Am the Walrus" dressed as a Walrus

Tsk Tsk, multi millionaires and their petty squabbles


"You mean you're dating a bear?"
"Does my boyfriend shit in the woods?"

Yeah but you went to a cow college

Are you being sarcastic dude?

What Would Donald Covfefe

How does he drive such a big truck with such tiny hands?

The Penguin:“You're nothing but a pack of fickle mush-heads!”
Citizens of Gotham: “He's right! Give us hell, Penguin!”

It was cowritten by that Charlie Manson fella, I wonder what ever happened to that guy…

Surprisingly not the only cop that can be foiled when confronted with a set of stairs

Mr. Mister to Adam Sander - "Take these broken wiiiiiiiiiings and go fuck yourself"

I was watching Zoolander with my brother the other day, which Trump has a 3 second cameo in. When he appeared onscreen I said "Hey look! Our president's in a silly Ben Stiller movie!" And then I got sad…