Ambitious Procrastinator

Can't wait to see their original content which will be 45 TV show about cats getting trapped in boxes

Surely this will get him laid

That's what he gets for relying on public transportation

He looks like he's about to knock on my door and ask me if I've found Jesus

Naked Chicken Chalupa is survived by it's close relatives stomach cramps, indigestion, and diarrhea.

'I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.' - Nick Cave

Not naming this show Judge Judy: Executioner was a missed opportunity

Haunt my dreams why don't you

for those of you who skipped the article and headed straight to the comments: It's Speedo uniforms

I'm sure it was just a hooker and cocaine party, nothing scandalous.

From the producers that brought you Shamwow! the movie and CaddyShaq.

if you waned to scare alter boys The Priest would have been a more apt spin-off

Ryan Gosling, staring pensively out a window. - "Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?"

"The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks… a coherent plot, believable performances, and competent directing."

We're talking about the Holy Grail here, not your weekend at a London bordello

Hey! Teacher! Leave those 70 year old millionaire rock stars alone!

you know what they say about small men…

Great Job, Internet Commentator!

That's ok. I'm content writing weird, shitty, robot music on my own thank you very much.

very disappointed that "Stop (and Frisk) in the Name of Love" isn't on here