He can use the silver spoon trump was born with
He can use the silver spoon trump was born with
but will it blow my nose???!!!
i feel like i need to erase this from my browsing history
Mumford and Sons cower in the corner
But the Dalai Lama said on his deathbed he'll receive total consciousness though.
I doesn't see anything worng with this
Will I get paid in Hormel™ Black Label bacon?
Also i like my Lady Gaga's medium rare thank you very much
Did her meat suit get cooked by Metallica's pyro?
it was nice to see Nicki Minaj win the Grammy for best “Analbum Cover”
I haven’t watched the Grammys since they discontinued the “Best Album Consisting of Noises Your Armpit Makes” category.
Does he also enjoy sticking forks into his eyes?
Trump is the king of debt. If he was on the $1 bill you'd need to borrow 4 quarters just to break even.
I'm Lupe Fiasco and so's my wife!
This makes my wick hard
will the plight of Native Americans at the hands of orange men ever end?
I can't wait to boycott this!
This is the most flagrant example of whitewashing outside of a Mark Twain novel
Talk to the Han
Please! it's a avant-garde horror thriller documentary