Amber S

More like, “I have bills to pay.”

Please don’t tell me the “sunken place” has claimed another one...

Translation: “I want to keep my job”

And his nosebleeds the red bars.

Usually when someone from the Dolphins line fucks up this egregiously they at least do it more incognito.

He hasn’t sat down in the past 48 hours.

Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.

Each line snorted represents a white line in the flag. It’s probably the most patriotic thing he could do.

Seems disrespectful toward veterans and the flag, tbh.

Exactly. Leave that to Oprah and The Secret!

absolutely correct. these are Americans.

Bring them all over and turn the island into a national park. Not just puerto rico either. How many times can you rebuild?

“Why should we care about Porter Rico? It’s one of them Mexican counties we are trying to prevent Shania Law from invading our blood and soil with.”

~ Trumpster logic 101

The Associated Press does report that local officials have “praised” the Trump administration’s response