Amber S

Straight out of โ€˜Get Out.โ€™

Maybe charges, arrest and trial/plea bargain might jump start a little self awareness. Age does not absolve criminal behavior. Yes, like it or not, touching a woman in that manner, without consent is illegal.

Unbelievable. So, old age is an acceptable excuse to sexual assault someone? And yes, that is sexual assault, of which he admitted committing. But, no shock here in defending this behavior, quite typical.

Duh....quoting my 11 y.o.


Funny how he wasnโ€™t talking that smack when approached before the aforementioned tune up.

Sounding a little โ€˜Get Outโ€™ish. Hate that she has to acquiesce.

Her response was BIZARRE. And, the reporter was disgusting. He basically asked if that was consensual??

Little Hunter is a sex offender and engaged in a hate crime.

They should be expelled from the public school system and charged as sex offenders and hate crimes. Morally, spiritually and intellectually bankrupt. If black kids did that to white kids, they would be in an adult jail or worse. I hope they are at least in juvenille detention.

Uh....she fโ€™d up his life??????? Do you seriously think that?????? He fโ€™d up his life when he decided to be hypocrite.


Oh ok. So, its ok to snort lines of who knows what at work on his way into a meeting, probably to talk about how patriotic the NFL is, buts its not ok for the players to silently and respectfully exercise their 1st amendment right. Hypocrite.

Uh, we have a president who not only uses his office for his own personal gain, but also to attempt to intimidate employers ofย black people who attempt to exercise their constitutional rights, which is against the law. A president who openly supports white supremacists. He called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. Heโ€ฆ


Or might be needed.

Dotard: Why do people keep talking about helping Puerto Rico? Their president says he wont pay for the wall.