
I mean this happened:

My bad bish destroying all my plants:

What did I just watch...

“Things thrown into our path and it’s just like, ‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about,’

Now playing

Side note, I just watched this three times in a row:

Woaaah, blast from the past. I used to read these in Spanish as a kid. News to me that they are actually English books. I thought they were from Spain.

No no no...everyone knows it goes

#notallbros #notallfratboys ??

I just yelled EWWWW! really loudly at work when i read the headline.

One time, I was staying in a hotel and around 4am I heard noise outside my door. I thought it was the neighboring room guest trying to get into their room. Then out of nowhere the door to my room opened!!! I died. Luckily I had bolted it so they could not get inside and they left. I called front desk immediately.

‘the legacy of the show.’ Read: My Bank account.

shoes, need those shoes!

ETA: Bobby, not Stassa.

You know its terrible writing when you have to fill the first half of the post with a lot of words that don’t say anything.

I finally got a hair cut, but forgot to tell her to cut into a V shape, so now i have a cool curl helmet.