...Very Angry About a ‘Topless Toddler’...
...Very Angry About a ‘Topless Toddler’...
My bestie and I were having a discussion about political party association as it pertains to empathy. As in- republicans have no empathy.
Not a coincidence and sadly there aren’t enough to represent my full display of emotions
And if those other countries are filled with people of color that you’ve decided all act exactly the same, then you’re still a racist.
Oh my god!
Tom Hardy with dogs has me like
The dismiss button is beautiful. Fuck you very much.
I’m pretty sure I saw something you wrote a few weeks back on lots of Jezzies being racist towards Indians and by jove you are RIGHT. The comments I’m reading are gross.
And just call xenophobia by its real name, “racism”.
Acid attacks are just so fucking gruesome and heartbreaking and one of those things that is almost exclusively carried out by men to disfigure women. Brava to Reshma for fighting back in a way that works for her.
“grinding and dry humping each other as if no one was watching.”
I was lightly stalked by a taxi driver in 2008. And a friend of mine was raped by a taxi driver. Lesson- if you’re a woman never feel safe with anyone ever.
Yeah I love a smart dude. The winning combo is smart + funny *drool*
My husband, being a hot eco-nerd before it was cool.
Sounds like a rough night
I can’t understand your tone over the Internet but- I’m speaking to the guys who were ashamed that they had sex with me and tried to hide it.
My best lay was also one of the chubby guys. The fat guy was really good too. But I’ve had loads of good sex and I agree it just has to do with being good or not, not body type.
Low-rider, flared jeans is all I can say about 2001. Kill it. Kill it with fire.
Interesting. I too have been varying degrees of fat. Right now I’m a size 20 fat but have definitely been a “thin fat”. Mostly it was inappropriately older men who hit on me (like I was 17 and a 35 year old tried to ask me out). Also homeless dudes. Lots of homeless dudes.