Ambassador Blanka

I still remember the depression I felt when Mark's "It says you should recharge your Fire Extinguisher in 1996" made me realize how long ago 1996 was.

Much like Jeff becoming a Teacher and Shirley's family situation, the writers felt that just saying it was happening was enough.

Yeah, I also wish that they had used voice clips of Troy and Pierce too.


MeowMeowBeanz for sure. I'm one of the people who complained about the over-gimmick-ness of the season, but like the Paintball episode of the first season, it kept to my suspension of disbelief that the events that happened WOULD happen at Greendale, and in my opinion, all the jokes worked.

I don't have the Tech Savvy to get a VHS tape on a computer, but I taped it on my phone. It's actually a commercial for AADD, and the Bunny doesn't appear as long as I thought it did. That said, I think the spooky vibe is still there. TL;DR prepare for disappointment on all fronts.

I remember this old commercial for anti-depressants that always, ALWAYS aired before The Simpsons. It had this woman at a board meeting, and you get this piano piece that slowly becomes more and more distorted as it flashes to a bunch of stressful things, but it pauses with a haunting tone at a guy in a Bunny Costume.

"Sir!" Yelled Chris McKenna. "Sir! The pop culture news has come in. I believe there's something you should see."

Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game, but I had so much fun with this one. I remember feeling horrible that if I woke up the Wind Fish, Marin would cease to exist, although to be honest, I didn't get any ambiguous feelings from the Nightmares. Of course I knew they didn't want to die, but I also felt that their

Whenever I think of 2 Broke Girls, I think of that TCA thing a couple years ago.

What is the ratio of JuggaloCoins to SchruteBucks?

I definitely agree that the writing is better (Except for the Fincher episode), but I liked 4's pacing better. There were enough Campus-based episodes and non-Campus-based episodes to satisfy me. I wish this season had found that same balence, though I can understand it might have been harder to focus on school when

I'm really nervous about Kitchen Nightmares for some reason.

"Hey! We're not like Season 4 with their idiotic Puppet and Darkest Timeline clone episodes! Now here's an episode based on David Fincher Films and a Cartoon episode."

But…but Zodiac episode! D&D Episode! Gimmick episodes! Nobody wants to watch boring SCHOOL-LIFE episodes!


Just give me a clear-cut answer about Turner, Goddammit.

Not being able to do one pull-up? That's BCD. Blowhard Coach Don't.

I honestly hope they use late-season Eric Matthews-tier gags in this show.