Ambassador Blanka

I'm just going to pitch a live action version of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

We Comedy!

This is the future! Soon TV will be made obsolete!

Oh, Y-You hurtin'? Oh, I know that feeling. I've been hurtin', You-You've been hurtin', we all been hurt, so I'm just gonna break it down for you. I'm Sinbad, that's my portrait, I can sign it for you, if you want. This is Sinbad's house. AND YOU MY BITCH!

My top 2 Picks are Conan O Brien and Ellen DeGeneres, with Conan slightly edging her out, because I feel that Ellen might have to change her format to fit in the Late Night shows, and I like her show the way it is.

You mean it isn't already?

So. You admit you grabbed her can. What do you have to say in your defense Mr. Simpson?

I'd say Season 11. Definitely downhill, but jokes and gags to keep it standing in my opinion. Also, I'm sure there's a parallel universe where "Behind the Laughter" ended the show as it should have.

Before I was just bored with their antics and their merchandise, now I wish they were dead.

My face when the writers remember Greg Pikitis but not Mark Brandanaquitz

Man, Young Jeff trying to defend himself in the Mutin-eers commercial kind of hit me.

"You've never seen Star Wars? That's more of a travesty than the prequels, Bazinga."

Ha ha! Classic Rake!

Honestly, I view it as Season 4 of Parks and Recreation. All that build-up and character development to have Ted, Barney, and Robin go somewhere, only to have it snagged away in minutes. I could see Barney and Robin's marriage not working out, Barney regressing because of it, and then rebuilding when he sees the true

I think Homer gets stupider every year.

I really hope they get a 22-episode season.

I watched it sporadically around season 4, and didn't start watching weekly until season 6.


Yo dawg I heard you like stories, so I put a story in a story while I was telling you a story.

I can't wait for the season promos because I know those are the best part of the series.