Ambassador Blanka

I spent 2 hours on Stage 4-5 of Panel de Pon. It's ridiculously hard, fun and addicting.



I just really wish it was a better show.

I bought the DVDs a year ago, so I'll just keep watching it without having to pay to not see commercials.

Mothra stares at her wing that has Silk on it

I think they're just stuck in 2005 where they try to impress the cool kids and shock their parents.

More like, The FARCE Awakens!

All I know about these movies is that they prevent me from watching Frasier and Cheers and I'll always hate them for that.

Did Barthood take 12 seasons to make?

I never thought that theme naming went beyond anime.

Hold on, his last name is Biggs?

Grandpa's gonna sue de pants offa Santa


"He's my best friend!"
"So was I…"

As a 90s kid, I agree with the cynical jokes about Nick pushing this whole 90s shows stuff, but I am super happy to hear Jungle Movie will finally get made, and under Bartlett's control.

To be honest, I stopped watching because he didn't drop the political satire. Of course I didn't expect him to drop it completely, but I was hoping to see something different from him, but this just seems to be The Colbert Report II: The Late Show.

I kind of expected this, but I was hoping a third season would take place the following Summer.

What's the DEAL with Airline Food???

I think that's why Francis was my favorite character even as a kid. I always thought it fun that while the Family had their main plot, he was in a different place with no influence from the other members of the family and different things to do from everyone else.