Milton Greene's Kidney

Another fun thing related to this: WaPo is reporting that Trump’s team deliberately set up the call and it was not a simple congratulatory call, but a signal of a shift towards dealing with China. Either that or Trump’s team is covering to make him look less inept (whynotboth.gif etc etc).

Not to mention that Carrier is still sending at least 1,000 other jobs to Mexico.

Buzzfeed says it’s fake

Yeah, I’m not sure I understand why introspection and trying to correct mistakes so they won’t happen in the future is a bad thing. Isn’t that what every human who is growing and progessing does to become better? I get that it sucks that he and other pollsters were wrong, but still.

Reuters Legal tweeted that it’s between $20-25m. Although I don’t know how many plaintiffs there are, so hard to tell if that’s a good settlement or not.

This is a truly delightful typo.

I have so many questions. What does he still have to rally against? And seriously who pays for this? Tax payers? Is he allowed to use campaign funds? Has any other president in modern history done this?

Trump’s projection extends to his supporters apparently.

There’s always the unfair media and the paid protesters who are, presumably, losers and haters, to rally against!

I would add 4) how does he maintain his glorious orange hue? Does he have to get a spray tan machine installed in the white house? What if secret service doesn’t let him leave to get a spray tan? What if the world sees him with his real skin color?

Just anecdotally from a trans friend on facebook, who said she’d lost friends in the wake of the election. I made a donation to Trans Lifeline. Their call volumes are way up and they haven’t been able to handle the call volumes :(.

Did they break up because he put her in the worst mood ah?

My exact first thought. The projection truly never ends.

I ask this in seriousness, has the Trump camp put out a full-throated disavowal of this and other similar behavior from his supporters?

An ill attempt at covering his gut? Other forms of compensating?

Especially in that first picture, he seems deeply uncomfortable.

Nope, infrastructure projects take a really, really long time for a variety reasons, including availability of funds (cash flow from taxes, etc) and the fact that things just take a long time to build. I work on the funding side of highway infrastructure and we have road widening projects that are only about 10+ miles

No, the other swamp. Their swamp is fine.

This is an interesting point. My state has a part-time, citizen legislature and it’s clear that many members just don’t know enough about certain issues and defer to whatever bill language lobbyists want. We don’t have term limits and I’ve noticed this is less the case for our members who have been in office for