
Top Gun III?  Maverick gets selected for the Astronaut program... He felt the need, the need for hypersonic speed.

LA tried ‘road diets’ and it was a nightmare for them. I don’t think this will be any better.

My 20 year old son is one of them... While home from college, he got ticketed for 99 in a 40 mph zone at 2:30 a.m. driving his 2017 Ford Mustang Ecoboost. The cop took it easy on him because he was actually doing over 100 mph and was in an impromptu drag race with a Camaro! He could have been arrested on the spot, but

Please explain this “Trump dodged the draft” narrative I keep hearing. He had a draft number, he reported, he failed the physical. People can chide him for the medical reason... but that isn’t dodging the draft.

If you want to discuss draft dodging, let’s start the discussion with Bill Clinton... 

Would those be Hookers or hookers?  :) 

And the Vietnamese people love Americans... but they still hate the French. Go figure! 

I am a huge fan of space exploration and was at the first launch (I took a week off of college with two friends and drove down in a dilapidated Ford Capri). The Shuttle program was amazing - the Hubbell Telescope, the ISS, and too many scientific experiments and satellite launches to count.

They do meet requirements to be U.S. flagged. All ships are built to IMO (International Maritime Organization) standards. They are not Jones Act compliant, so they can’t transport passengers between U.S. ports.

Well, I blame the Dems for Trump. Hillary - an utter failure as Secretary of State, Senator without any major accomplishments, and wife of Bill. No other qualification. She couldn’t even find Wisconsin on a map or she may have actually won the election. Now they offer up a dottering, rambling old man who is running a

Uh, President Trump banned flights from China and Democrats called him a Xenophobe at the time.  He banned flights from Europe, and they said he was overreacting.  I love how people can rewrite history in such a short period.  But I know... Orange Man Bad! 

No, there aren’t shipyard that ‘can’ build a cruise ship. The shipyards that built the US Navy in WW2 are now extinct.

We build our carriers at Newport News Shipyard, which is does Navy work exclusively. NASSCO in San Diego could probably build a ship the size of a cruise ship, but it isn’t set up to do so - and to build one in the US would probably be $2.5 billion. I’m not exaggerating... the first USCG icebreaker to be built in the

When I was on a destroyer back in the 80s, when our toilets would clog, the Aux Gang would tag out the system, closing all the valves throughout the ship, and then fire a CO2 extinguisher into the clogged toilet. It would shoot the clog straight into the CHT (sewage) system.

I would blame the 24 hour media cycle for injecting so much fear into someone that they would be stupid/desperate enough to take an unprescribed drug for an undiagnosed condition.  Darwin may have been up to mischief in that household.

They want to provide relief for renters - and I get it - but not all landlords are EvilCorp... many are houses that are owned by small investors or retirees to provide income. They still have the mortgages to pay, and telling renters they have six months to pay back the loan is a way of saying that at 5 months, a

My second new car was an 88 GT with a five-speed manual. I paid about $12,500 for it, if I recall correctly. I had it for about three years, and it was a ball to drive. I realize that today a minivan would probably give it a run for the money, but back then, it was incredible. I took it to the track and it ran mid-14s

As Whitesmoke said below, percussive maintenance is the term of art.  It solves many a problem in my household!

Wow, wishing a potentially fatal disease on a political opponent.  I don’t wish people I disagree with death, I just wish they’d retire.  Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

While I was in high school, I was pumping gas in the late 70s at a J.C. Penney Auto Center. I lived in WV, and the state implemented odd/even license plate days to limit usage and supposedly, the lines at the pump. All that did was result in a lot of stolen license plates. It got so bad that people were bringing their

Connecticut is only 5 miles wide, so who cares? Texas on the other hand...