
I just Googled the affects of eating gold, and apparently it has no impact on your health, and it is not degraded by stomach acids. When you go to the bathroom, it will come out as gold.

From 1979 to 1983, I may have been the luckiest college kid on the planet! A dear family friend, who was an Air Force pilot, transferred from Washington, DC to Japan. He was unable (unwilling?) to ship his beloved XK-120, so he left it at our home, which had room in the barn next to my car (69 Road Runner) and my proje

Back in the 80s, I was a college kid driving an ice truck during the summer. We were delivering to a music festival, and after unloading 20 tons of ice from the truck, I was invited to sit down and have lunch. I was sitting at a picnic table across from a very nice woman and we talked for about 20 minutes before I had

Wow, the TDS is strong with this one.  Seek help you must.

My Dodge Charger slammed on the brakes at BWI airport because a Mylar balloon floated in front of me... and I was almost rear ended by a MDOT Police Officer.

He opted out of his multi-million dollar contract and became a free agent... he wasn’t fired.

Wow, you just described my 93 Ford Ranger XL (minus the ecoboost part)!

There is an easy way to tell... see what the HQ2 in Northern Virginia brings in the way of jobs. I have a feeling that 25,000 is realistic. Then add up the employees of businesses that will rise up to support those 25,000 employees, and the number of new jobs created by the expansion will be much higher.

Nope... Rampages, Dodge Chargers, etc., were “L Body” cars.

That’s funny...

When I was a young Naval Officer, I went to helo control school where we learned to run the helo tower on destroyers and other small ships. Part of our training was to take part in deck and cargo operations with a MH-53E - the big three engine variant.

I was in college in 83 and weening myself off of Car Craft/Hot Rod and moving on to C&D/R&T.  This PS and the article by P.J. O’Rourke about how the pickup truck was basically a car with a back porch attached got me hooked! 

I fly way too often for work. Last month, on the way back to the East Coast from Alaska, the guy in front of me reclined as soon as the plane started to level off. I had my ipad on the tray in front of me along with a bottle of water.

Blake White, vice president of Pornhub, told Jezebel that the company uses “a dedicated team of human reviewers to review content uploaded” to the site to ensure that it meets “content compliance rules.”

I got stuck with a Mitusbishi Mirage 4GS (I think) from the rental car agency. It was a car with literally no redeeming features. It had a CVT and probably 100 hp (I’m being generous), the CVT kept the growling engine at a constant RPM, so the interior was unbearable at highway speeds. The interior had a rattle in the

Wow, the Trump reference only took 2 posts.  Orange man bad... got it.  Move on.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I don’t wish him dead, just moved to Mar-a-Lago in retirement.  I think wishing political opposition ill is part of the coarsening of society.  I don’t wish any ill to Nancy Pelosi... I just wish she’d retire and enjoy her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.  

The NS Savannah is still maintained by the US Dept of Transportation and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. She is currently in Philly for a shipyard period. The ship normally sits in Baltimore. The reactor has been defueled, but the reactor is still ‘hot’ so it has the NRC’s involvement. The inside of the ship is

The Soyuz is adopting a wide-stance.

Automatic = automatic fail. I have one of all three US makes in my garage (Dodge Charger, Ford Mustang, and Chevy Monte Carlo).