
I have. Not very well. :) There are still songs from my childhood, played on 8-track in our old Dodge van (lots of Simon and Garfunkel, Starland Vocal Band, etc.), where my brain expects to hear that “cha-chunk” sound switching tracks at a certain place in the middle of the song.

Everybody YangWang tonight

Good to know that you have insight into the thoughts and motives of every law enforcement person in the country... douche.

Lets make sure to cover the rest of the story from the trib

Only a fucking HOA could make a towing company the most moral party in a story.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

Missed opportunity for the Ford Active Replaceable Tether System.

The same way a pilot can see out of a tail dragger. “S” turns.

Does splitting off “fees” out of the sale price mean that money is subjected to different (or no) taxes? As a consumer we don’t typically pay taxes on “fees” and laws are in place to prevent this from occurring (they can’t bury the fees in the price and must show the consumer these breakdowns).

It seems that much like any business focused soley on the immediate profit, they’re forgetting how they used to build a customer base.

You’ll get a shitload of Middle Easterners and Eastern Europeans, every last one of them driving the most clapped-out yet irrepressible Ford Transits, and they will shovel that ship out to the walls in under a week using nothing but bare hands, Red Bull and cousins.

Ironically, the cargo reportedly also included:

I would’ve slapped it to the bottom of an Amazon delivery truck  or even better yet a semi that was from out of state. 

Couldn’t have said it any better myself

Obviously unpopular take, but hear me out, and try to not flame the piss out of me. I’m happy to discuss, but don’t be a dick about it.

Anyways, this doesn’t change the fact in the slightest about your constitutionally protected right to protest. That’s actually termed “the right to peaceably assemble”. Peaceable

“Elon, take the wheel.”

This is a Bobcat

Hey Tom, you should have gotten a VW GTI!   They install the leaky sunroof direct at the factory, no need for aftermarket modifications.

Screw the zero stars you’ve got so far, that was clever.

At least it’s got a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot?