
Gov Newsom... look, they have high speed rail in New Mexico! What are you waiting for??

I could imagine military pilots calling for continuous air-to-air refueling for as long as possible! 

They should consider themselves lucky... in Baltimore, they just toss them into the Inner Harbor. The Balt PD Dive Team was recently interviewed for a ‘whats on the bottom of Inner Harbor’ query. Among the answers, at any given time - dozens of electric scooters.

I work in DC... please, tell me where you have heard about people dying in DC for “lack of resources.”  If people are dying, it isn’t because of that... DC has plenty of resources and safety nets.

I’ve suffered a ruptured tendon, torn ligaments, and a broken leg - but only one injury and only one leg at a time. I was able to hop around on crutches or a walking boot during the recovery.

Baltimore has suffered from these jerks for years. A Virginia woman that came here to see a concert was nearly killed by one when he ran her down. Drivers should get a bounty for taking them out...

I will withhold my judgment until the facts are all in. The last three dozen times this has happened, the perps ended up being the ‘victim’.  

When will they stick the AWD driveline under the 6? I had a 2014 Mazda6 and it was awesome. I traded it in for a Scat Pack because during a shortlived midlife crisis... I could easily see me going back to an AWD 6 if they created such a car! 

900 cellphones, but nobody had a working fire extinguisher!

I know they have firepower, but where are all the automatic weapons?  I would think they would have been able to find a NG Armory or military base and have some machine guns and grenade launchers at their disposal! 

Damn, now that’s funny.

I’ve watched one game each week of their season and the play isn’t bad at all. I think the problem is going to be football burnout. I think going through preseason NFL, NCAA and NFL seasons, bowl games, playoffs, and the (horrendous) Superbowl sated most football fans for the year.

And why does a freakin’ heavy icebreaker cost the US government over $1 billion to build? And we get one of inferior quality. The Polar class have gas turbine engines; why?? Diesels seem to work well elsewhere. Or we could use nuclear plants like the Russians... and simply melt our way through the ice.

I thought this was from The Onion... 

Do you have to have the calibration and installation done by a Ford dealer to maintain warranty?

If they air it they are Nazi supporters. If they don’t air it, they are Nazi deniers.

I gather from your comment that you have never started or owned a company. Your assumption that for my business to succeed, someone has to fail is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. I provide a service that people want, at a price they are willing to pay. If I fail to provide adequate service, my margins, which

I attended an automotive event in California a few years ago to represent my agency. Traveling for the government, I get the cheapest car available. So, I ended up with a Mirage ES. Normally, I am used to driving all sorts of so-so cars, but I was not prepared for the Mirage - a car without a single positive

The diameter of a 1999 firing pin is .093 inches. I was a survivor of the Navy Yard shooting, and my opinion is as valid as these children. I can tell you that when I was listening to the shotgun blasts, I wasn’t thinking that we need more gun control (we don’t) or more mental health care (we do)... I was sitting

Greetings fellow DC commuter! I live in Owings Mills, MD, and there is a Tesla dealership 2 miles from my home... and it is flush with Model 3s. I also see a number of them both in DC and Baltimore during my commute.