
It says nothing more than an Obama hat. He supports a politician... an unpopular one, but a politician. For that, most of you think that a high school kid deserves to be doxxed, threatened, harrassed, killed, and generally reviled. The adults (I use the term loosely) that are commenting below calling him a bigot,

When I first started hearing Romo as an analyst, I didn’t like him. His voice grates on me... but after watching him late in the season and into the playoffs, I have been impressed by him.

About ten years ago, while on DOD business, I had to fly to a small nation in central Africa. We were flying a 70s era Boeing, probably a 727, with hard, cracked, leatherette seats and lots of creaking and moaning from what was apparently an overstressed airframe.

True, but the railroads also tend to wait for government funding for infrastructure updates via low interest, long term loans from the Railroad Infrastructure Fund (RRIF) or with BUILD and INFRA grants.

They should have gone with Atlanta natives Zac Brown or Blackbery Smoke. Those that say BBS isn’t ‘big enough’ for that big of a stage have never heard them live...

Electric cars require electricity that is created with coal and natural gas. So you want more electric cars that will require us to increase power generation and thus burn more coal. Huh?

Hopefully she’ll be out in a fraction of that. However, she was offered a plea deal, which she declined. I’d like to know what that was, but if she was offered something like 90 days in jail and community service and yet chose a jury trial...well, as the old knight in the Indiana Jones movie said, she “chose poorly”.

I’ve never seen a yellow Warlock. I thought they only came in dark colors. I had an uncle with a 78 Dodge pickup - a loaded version, but not a Warlock or Red Express - and it was pretty nice to drive, and a pretty damn quick ride for the era. I’d definitely buy one of these priced in the mid-to-high teens!

I was thinking the same thing. Thinking about some drunk, shirtless guy getting a high-speed waxing makes me cringe. Also, the first time it rips some woman out of her clothes and she ends up naked and unconscious on the street, queue the lawyers...

Not at all... being forced to participate in a gay wedding, if your religious belief opposes gay marriage, is not the same as being and idiot about someone’s skin color. And I’m a Penobscot Indian and a libertarian, so I find racism abhorrent, as I do government intervention in our religious beliefs.

So you think it is right to have the government force you to do something against your deeply held religious or personal beliefs? Wow... I hope your deeply held beliefs never clash with anyone else’s lest you be on the receiving end.