The Amazing Potato

It’s really distracting that the first dinosaurs we see apparently teleported into place as there’s no disturbance in the mud around their feet, and then later there’s those kids just chilling out in the back of a pickup as literally everyone around them is screaming in fear. Someone please tell me the actual movie

Sounds more like Peter PANTS, eh? Eh?

A girl I was dating at university strongly recommended I watch Hard Eight as I couldn’t “study film and video and not watch [that] film.” Our relationship didn't last but I was thankful to her for introducing me to Paul Thomas Anderson and, of course, Philip Baker Hall. He was so good in Hard Eight!

I am incredibly excited for this! I hope more happens with the apparent ‘split’ between Vanessa and her sister, and how Ben reacts, as that was a really unexpected plot point in season two.

Oh no.

Exclusive image from Jurassic World: Dominion:

This article is gold, but the last sentence got me the most. Love it!

*guitar  WIT WOOO noise*

If you can watch that and stay in one piece, then you are not human.

As long as the first new episode features a costume party, in which Turk is dressed as Booster Gold and JD’s Blue Beetle.

Whishaw also voices Paddington in the animated series, which is an equally delightful thing.

Now’s as good a time as any to break this out:

Oh yeah, you’re right! I think my brain watched him in action and thought “He’s a detective.”

Now the article’s “normal looking Harvey” makes more sense, too - I thought “Bullock doesn’t need to be fat” haha

Misha Collins playing a grizzled detective = perfect.

Is Cary Fukunaga being represented by Lionel Hutz?

dig into the haunted truths that lie buried under the eternal ice.”

They can easily sidestep this whole nonsense by having Loki appear onscreen with a “Sorry I’m late, I was busy sucking a bunch of dicks/making mad love to ladies/doing all genders at once” - seems like the only thing that would appease some people.

Not me, for the record. I like it when characters who are some part

Twist: turns out Gorr the God Butcher actually supplies all the gods with choice cuts of meat, and it’s all a hilarious misunderstanding. 

Finally watched this the other day and I thought it was very cool. Not in an ironic way, or a “compare to other Batmans” way, Like when the Batmobile appears and sounds like a fucking BEAST.

NICE. I’m currently catching up on season two and just watched ‘S is for Silence’ which I think I’ll point people to as a perfect example of how idiosyncratic this show is; it’s very funny but also really creepy, with reasonable explanations for things but also some unanswered questions. A demon in a box! OR IS IT?