The Amazing Potato

I hope he appears as himself but in the form of a spirit guide for the main character.

Nate’s picture, for posterity:

My wife farts a lot in her sleep, so that's another thing that happens at night. 

This was on an Avianca flight. Weirdly, they had other sweary films that hadn’t been redubbed.

Kano was amazing! And the only actor who seemed to understand what the movie should have been like. 

Me too! They dubbed over all the swear words (“Mothersucker!”) yet left in all the gore, so who knows who the edit was supposed to be aimed at.

I hope the next show centres on Superman’s poop fetish.

This show just gets better and better. I like that sometimes you catch glimpses of the actors trying not to crack when there’s a scene that almost certainly involved some ad-libs.

When it became apparent Vigilante was going to go to prison (that happened very fast, didn’t it? Did the police just go “fuck it, he really wants to go to jail so let’s dispense with the courts”?) I truly hoped we’d see him kick the shit out of people - so far there was a bit too much tell with him (“he’s a lunatic”

I’m sure Moon Knight’s powers (used to?) increase with the fullness of the moon. I hope there’s a bit where he powers up after someone shows him their bum.

“I’m not from Milwaukee!”

John Cena’s hitting out of the park in this and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. It was a big ask to make us root for a sociopathic antihero who seemed oblivious to his faults, but PEACEMAKER (so far) is doing a really good job of humanising the character and having him reckon with his past

I recently caught APPLE AND ONION on Cartoon Network - Ayoade voices Onion and the entire show is delightfully British, overall, least of all how Apple likes beans on toast for his tea. 

This is a startlingly accurate observation. Have your star!

I’m with you on this. My wife and I are vaccinated, we always wear masks, routinely use alcohol to santise surfaces, etc - ie. take all the supposed precautions (we’re in Colombia though and people here are overall very good at taking this whole situation seriously). And yet...we’re currently at the tail end of having

I’d like to see a Batman movie in which he gives criminals rabies and munches on mangoes in-between fights. 

For added points: “We’re very different, me and you.”

I am all-in for CLEAN. It looks like Adrien Brody’s diving headfirst into pulp sensibilities (after the better-than-it-had-any-right-to-be Chapelwaite). It looks like he’s carrying over some of the righteous anger from that project’s character too, which I am also more than happy to watch. Are we approaching an Adriena

I’ll tell you exactly why Amazing Spider-man 2 is so bad: during the Electro fight, when Spider-man gets smacked around the metal poles, it’s to the tune of ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.

I'd like to see a version of this story where Cyrano is a debanoir Frenchman who occasionally and unwittingly transforms into Bergerac, the gruff 1980s British TV detective. 

His ‘not even looking and puts an arrow through a guys hand’ bit in episode 3 (4?) of this series was particularly fantastic.