
And here’s a photo of the chump who bought the game at $600

Cyber Security will may be based on blockchain tech to be authorize and approve of any data transfer.

So you dispute the fact that yet another crypto-villain leeched $256,648 worth of energy form somewhere for this pointless exercise of mining for profit?

Either that or they manage to secretly join and then take over the Illuminati and then proceed to fool the world into thinking they end up with normal lives working normal good jobs 

At the current state of world affairs, I think managing to survive our allotted time on earth is going to be a much bigger problem to solve than achieving immortality.

you think that vegans DON’T know that there are bug bits in the foods they eat?

you think that vegans DON’T know that there are bug bits in the foods they eat?

I used to feel that way too, I mean, basic logic dictates that having the freedom of mouse should trump contollers right?

This isn’t unexpected really.

But Miyamoto isn’t playing Ingress, he’s playing Pokemon GO.

Look, these are probably YOUR favorite games or whatever, but have you stopped and think that maybe people who work at Nintendo actually LOVE Nintendo games?

Can you imagine being the guy who originally came up with the concept of Pokemon Go, knowing that the most legendary game creator in our time enjoys playing your game with his family?

Spare apple pencil tips is also recommanded if you put a matte screen protector on the ipad.

Reduced load time?

And we’re still fighting blue people for the unobtainstation to this day

There’s a lot more to be concerned about than human interaction.

This project Condor sounds like it’s designed from the ground up to be around mutliplayer.

What’s more is there to read?

Of course I did, and it didn’t get any less disappointing.