
You know it's a bad episode when I'm far more interested in the sweater Trinity was wearing in the workroom than almost anything else that happened.

I was hoping for that too once I found out he was going to be a judge for Snatch Game.

Same here. I watched it Wednesday night and I'm still finding myself ugly crying and hugging my children at random moments.

Same. I had a panic attack in the shower later that night.

I wish I'd known it was coming because I was so not prepared for that last night. In hindsight it was a really bad idea to watch all three episodes last night.

Yeah I'm glad for that too, three episodes in a row was a bit much in hindsight.

That's a really good question, seems to me it wouldn't be hard to do, given the nonsense he spews constantly.

I have it permanently bookmarked because I use it to cheer myself up every now and then.

Yeah I am too.

I don't comment here often, but your words spoke to me today and I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that you are definitely not alone in the way you feel. I too have spent the majority of my adult life"toning it down" because of genuine concern for my safety. I came out in high school, and it was not well

That would be the best bedtime story ever.

I loved this show so much, and season three is what really cemented that love for me. I have to confess though, i've yet to watch the series finale. I simply can't bring myself to let it end, because i've become far too attached to various characters. In my head they're all living happily on a farm or something

Most of this list is pretty okay, but I could do without Roxxxy, Coco, and Alyssa. Not that those three don't have their charms, but I would much rather be seeing April Carrion, Joslyn Fox, and Ben DeLaCreme again.

Yeah I gave in and started watching season 1 last night. I'm about 3 episodes in and so far i'm digging it.

Well the main complaint really seems to be with the characterization of the producers as the"villains". To quote one friend, "it's like they took every horrible stereotype of people who produce reality shows, cranked it up to 11 and called it a day."

So is this show worth watching? It looks interesting, but I have a handful of friends that work in reality tv and they say it's hot garbage, so i'm not really sure what to think.

New Top Gear was ruined way before this guy showed up.

Ugh. I didn't watch her when she was on cable, and i'm sure as shit not going to watch her now that Netflix is cramming her down my throat. If I hadn't already paid for a year, i'd cancel just so I don't have to see her leather couch of a face on my tv anymore.

I've never watched 30 Rock, but if by some miracle I actually got a few days of alone time, I might start.

I'm so puzzled by the "with" part of this, that i'm kinda curious.