
So basically what you're saying is that there is literally nothing worth watching on ABC now?

I would watch the fucking shit out of that.

Now that's a game I would actually finish. They would make an excellent team.

So they are gonna stream past seasons? Cos my kid has been losing her shit not being able to watch on Amazon the last few days. Would have been nice to get a heads up about that.

I'm just gonna put this out there, but i'm pretty sure they're building towards some kind of promo or something for their new game. They did a similar thing when Stick of Truth was releasing the following spring, so it seems like they might try it again for The Fractured But Whole. I'll buy it either way, but it

I realize i'm in the minority here, but I actually like this show quite a bit. Rubens can be a good actor and I think this role will really play to his strengths. I'm excited.

I know, that's part of why I got rid of it in the first place. I have all the dvd sets that are available, but that's just under half the series. I'd pay good money for a Blu Ray box set of the entire show, just to be able to watch it whenever I wanted.

I just want one of the services to get King of the Hill and the Inspector Closeau movies.

Probably none, i'm guessing. Considering the only "counseling" he really got was from a sheriffs deputy who is now doing time for child porn charges.

You pretty much summed up why it is that I love this show so damn much. Because it manages to be both intelligent and hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the occasional episode of "dumb guy" comedies, but given a choice between the "dumb guy" and a show as smart as this, i'll pick Silicon Valley every time

Nonsense is right. The more I think about it, I think the only thing I agree with him on is weed anymore. I tune in mostly for the guests still, because he gets some really interesting combinations of people up there.

Yeah, and it's happened so gradually with him that I really didn't even start noticing a lot of my current issues with him until about the last year or so. My biggest beef with him used to be his militant veganism, but now I could probably go for at least the running time of his show on things that bug me about him.

Jeremy Clarkson. On paper, he's someone I would likely avoid. He's rude, racist, misogynistic, and a drunk. That being said i'm a huge fan of Top Gear, and his segments are usually my favorites. Plus, the chemistry between him, Hammond and May has made for some truly fun and entertaining television over the last

My husband and I have a similar arrangement, and it's nice because I'm really not a fan of the beej, but we both get something out of it this way.