Brian Earl Spilner

He should know what they are, he threw a couple around haphazardly.

What do you think ellipses are?

It’s pathetic how fragile some guys are. How *dare* a woman speak out against violence.

Yup. And he literally joined Twitter just to spew this vile garbage. That, or he was too chickenshit to do it from his usual account.

I like that this marc guy caps locks his CUNTS so we know he is being super aggressive. A lowercase cunt just does not get the job done.

I was there and taking note of people who were wearing Kane jerseys, and the most common denominator seemed to be “man wearing flat brim hat standing around the bar area watching the Cubs.”

Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.

From Wiki : Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism).

Makes sense. Like this:

3,000 miles away, yet still the closest he’s come to a champion sheep.

It is not shocking to see this type of business practice. It seems to spring up from time to time, then prices rebound back to even keel. These companies seem to strut around, thinking they are above the law until they get jounced back to reality. The fine seems pretty stiff but you know what they say, those are the

As a resident, my understanding is they collected too much- the state has a cap on this. Some school districts have opted out of their share of the revenue also, stupidly. I don’t belive the statement is worded properly, I believe residents would only be refunded the amount of overage, not the entire amount collected.

idk if its really about wanting to hear them speak, more like its important to not live in an ideological vacuum

A rare and valuable 2014 Nissan Sentra

Before any Patriots fans comment:

II last the XII rounds and avoid a standing VIII count.

USADA: We’re going to allow this. Any objections?
Pacquiao: [can’t raise hand]

Indeed. I restrict my badmouthing to Volkswagen and Comcast.

...I'm not sure whether this offends me more as a Jew or as a gay person.

What an asshole this Starver prick is. He actually threatened to sue a school for being too secular, but tried to have “witchcraft” recognized as a religion so kids wouldn’t be rewarded for reading Harry Potter.