Brian Earl Spilner

I want a whole show about car culture in Cuba. I want to see dudes swapping old FIAT parts into Corvairs while smoking big fat cigars and drinking mojitos.

Get rid of the hot rodders. Seriously. The Hot August Nights crowd has destroyed car television in America. In fact, forget America entirely - let’s do a show about tuning and mods in other countries.

There was no anticipated bid for a second Toronto-area team, and even more surprisingly, nothing from Seattle.

Tommy Craggs gave me a second chance. I spent nearly three years writing for a different Gawker site, and I hit a point where I was just done. I couldn’t do it anymore. I was looking elsewhere, and my time at the company was up. I didn’t want to leave though, and in a passing conversation, I told Tommy I felt

Jax and Opie are sitting on a picnic table in a park in Charming talking about how much they love their children despite always placing them in the care of pornstars at Cara Cara.

The Mayans roll up behind them and Marcus Alvarez opens fire.

Mayan No. 1: How the fuck could you miss back-to-back kuttes?

Alvarez: Heard of

I only post really stupid shit or moderately hostile comments and I’m ungrey. I have, literally, nothing to offer.

Honestly I’m not sure. But I swear I was almost as excited when I saw that notification as I was when I finally got my degree!

How did you do it? I’ve been posting here under two different names for more than four years and nada. It’s like the riddle of the sphinx to me how someone gets permanently un-greyed around here.

I just noticed Jez is following me now. I will be phasing through all the categories as I get my drunk on tonight in celebration :)

This is actually the rally car for Ken Block’s wife. She races some local rallys too.

A Jalopnik party in the city I’m about to live in on my birthday! WOO.

Apostrophe abuse: Not just for the internet generation.

Great mighty ducks take..

How did you know it was Doug? Bright School Bus Yellow Hummers owned by 6’+ tall automotive bloggers followed by camera guys are a dime-a-dozen around Philly, right?


Doug DeMuro is the only man in existence that could make a “my car won’t start” story entertaining. For that, I applaud you.

Oddly enough Doug’s most reliable car is now a 25 year old imported right hand drive Nissan Skyline.

Once he stops being obviously, clearly hockey’s best player, then yes, we can stop.

Ha. Doubt it. She really trashed Triple H’s name after they broke up.

nine fantastic female wrestlers