Brian Earl Spilner

I don’t like running into Danica because it gets a little too much attention.

+3 commas

Three words for you: Radio. On. Internet.

well, and unlike many rich people, he didn’t really “come into” his fortune - he earned it (as much as anyone can be said to have “earned” a billion dollars)

Counterpoint: Cuban is awesome and exactly what most of us would be like if we came in to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ya, their Japanese event was actually pretty damn good.

The problem is, WWE announcing is mostly pretty bad. And it’s increasingly clear that it is Vince McMahon’s fault

In the pantheon of media that people are supposed to think is amazing but I can’t stand, Smells Like Teen Spirit trails only Pulp Fiction. But this is awesome, and genuinely made me excited. Up is down, black is white, and maybe Quentin Tarantino isn’t horrible now. I know nothing anymore.

Take it easy there, John Harkes.

I haven’t seen an organization distance themselves this much from a Mike Richards since the Laugh Factory.

He traveled.

Umm, I’m pretty sure that’s my name up there.

“In fact, NHTSA says over 1,100 wrecks every summer could be prevented if people didn’t slather sunscreen all over their windshields.”

In fact, NHTSA says over 1,100 wrecks every summer could be prevented if people didn’t slather sunscreen all over their windshields.

Torch knows this much .......

Christ, what an idiot I am. RIP, indeed. (Commence well deserved dogpile)

His wife shot him. Take the rest of the day off and vow to do better tomorrow.

Wait, if $kaycog wins COTD, does she present herself with an image? I’M SO CONFUSED!!!!

I noticed that, too. He must have broken every hat in the Stetson shop.

Can we talk about the shape of this humans head?