50 Shades of Beige
50 Shades of Beige
As someone who manages engineers at an aerospace company I really appreciate this post. Johnson casts a huge, well deserved shadow, over what we all do. His rules of management still make sense as well. I am a huge fan of small nimble teams over huge enterprises when you need to get something done.
The rear wing is actually a snap bracelet.
So what went down? Cersei is thrown into prison for incest (and not even her worst incest)
Is this sarcasm? Cause arguably 3 of the top 5 players in the world are Russian and playing in the NHL.
Just wait til the next post that’s titled:
What has five hands and is that conflicted?
See, your first problem was listening to the Junkies and expecting an intelligent discussion of sports...or, well, anything. I’ll forgive you, though, because we all make mistakes.
your first mistake was starting a reply with, “The Sports Junkies ... ”
The Sports Junkies have been particularly lazy with this analysis since the Caps lost Game 6. They keep bringing up the stat the Ovi hasn't scored a goal in the last 6 games 7s, Backstrom hasn't scored a goal in the last 7 game 7s, and Mike Green doesn't have a point in the last 8 game 7s. They keep on going back to…
Tornadoes are funny sometimes. We had a funnel cloud touchdown in my neighbors back yard and there was a styrofoam cup with a tiny bit of water on picnic table in that same back yard. Chairs, branches, garbage cans, everything was all blown around, tree’s were uprooted, power lines knocked down... That styrofoam cup…
Adding “fuckboy” to the list of go-to terms.
“Lol. I figured its owner would run it into a tree without my help.”
Well yeah, he drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in a Fury.
No, major league baseball does not abide by your local co-ed softball rules.
It annoys the $hit out of me that, for years, I used to see Magnus on a weekly basis at the local coffee shop. As soon as I moved out of the neighborhood, he was revealed to be who he is. I never knew. And I lived within walking distance of his building.