Brian Earl Spilner

White People

Backwash? Since when do hockey goalies suck from the nipple of their bottle much less screw off the top before taking a drink? I've always seen them squirting it in their mouths, which by definition means that their lips don't actually touch the bottle and there will be no backwash..

well, given that every F1 broadcast starts 30 minutes before the actual race starts, you could set your DVR to start recording five minutes after the scheduled start to fix this problem without missing the beginning of the actual race. Unless you'd rather just have something to complain about.

If Carcillo gets 10 for accidentally elbowing an official, I hope that Prust gets 20 for intentionally trying to injure someone. I've never seen someone go from 'highly respected, kind of pissed we let you go, ex-Ranger' to 'most hated man in Manhattan' so quickly.

Odds Manziel texted other teams the exact same thing? Gotta be near 100% right? I love visiting my buddies in Cleveland, and there's a lot to recommend there, but no pro athlete just starting his career campaigns to go to the Factory of Sadness.

ill pick up prostitution for this

f'real, bro

I bet that dog doesn't even lift

So weird that Donald Sterling would create a burner and try to defend himself in the comment section of Deadspin.

Well that's just Salinas, really. That's just the kind of town it *is*.

That pasta scandal is still the funniest/saddest story. It was just so ridiculous.

AD Mark Coyle: Antoine has had a very difficult life and has had to overcome numerous hardships to get to where he is today. We are happy that he has found a home here at Boise State.

I once stayed at a hotel 6 in Salinas, Ca. Well, the floor was.....moist. I don't know why. We heard some questionable screaming (pleasure? someone meeting their end..I don't know) and some folks jumping in and out of dumpsters. This place was in such a shady area all I kept thinking was "I want to get back to my damn