Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.
Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.
Louie hit this one on the head. I've dated a lot of heavier girls and I've definitely felt the judgement from other men. The problem isn't that men don't like big girls; it's that men don't like the way other men look at them when they're with big girls. It's a societal issue that Louis illustrates flawlessly. It's…
Are we looking at the same map? It looks to me like the vast majority of U.S. players are from the Northeast and Midwest, with relatively few from places like California, Texas, and Florida (proportional to their enormous populations).
I really hope Michael Sam picks "It's Raining Men" as his song just to troll people.
He and Jamie Moyer played AA ball together.
Yeah, but if you don't have WD-40 lying around, you probably still have shaving cream. Like the video says, WD-40 is what you would normally use, but hey, not everyone has it. And this way, you don't need to buy it just for fixing a squeaky hinge.
What a Siberian husky.
I know nothing John Snow
I did that intentionally. It's the fucking New York Post. That shit's their bread and butter.
"Gentleman, the field has been narrowed."
slightly off topic, but doesn't it seem like there's a lot of Nordiques stuff worn at Avs games? That seems a bit strange to me. It's not like you see Whalers gear in Raleigh, or Expos stuff in DC.
It's no contest for us: "Punch-Drunk Love."
Don't go to the game wearing the away teams gear anywhere but especially in Philly but if you must don't be so pissed when their lovely citizens greet you as they only know how.
His Jell-O? Everybody loves Jell-O
The homeowner told a reporter he smelled alcohol on the breath of the driver, which is not terribly surprising.
The one time you wish a dingo had in fact, eaten your baby.