Brian Earl Spilner

Schaffer wasn't even supposed to be there today.

Hahaha, its not just Detroit, it is this entire generation. They have destroyed the internet, bars, television, music, society etc. The entitlement and demand for recognition for the most mundane, everyday tasks is mind blowing. Mind-fucking-blowing

I imagine if you were doing something insane like relocating your gas tank for better weight distribution or upgrading your fuel delivery systems (pumps, rails, magic, etc) then you'd have a hell of a lot more options open to you for routing your lines.

Full disclosure Torch: I am an engineer and... these are the kinds of things I'm occasionally excited about.

Some Dogs Go To Colorado

Not gonna lie, I kind of totally adore this woman. Sometimes having literally no filter is a good thing!

Lindy Ruff is one of the classiest coaches in sports. As a Sabres fan (yes, I know), it was a true privilege to have him coach my team for 15+ seasons. The Stars have a steady hand at the till as they work through this difficult time.

Just wanted to give a shout out to defibrillators. Don't know if they directly saved Peverley's life, but they can't hurt. I teach elementary aged kids and we have one in our school. It is almost impossible to screw up using a defibrillator on someone.

Having a tough time finding work with Leno off the air?

top Astros prospect Jon Singleton

Now playing

Also, I found video of the extraction & subsequent start-up/drive off:

Not for nothing but it's not really that bad. The guy (and his wife) have been asked to help fix problems at the pool and he's basically saying "I will not help the assholes in charge look good." Is he a bit of a dick? Yes. Does he curse too much? LESS THAN DREW! But he doesn't seem to be micromanaging someone else's

Jail tip: the whole fucking dick.

"Gawker calls me out on my bullshit, therefore I don't like Gawker and please don't talk about it around me." Because Lena Dunham is a toddler in a woman's body.

He is still the undisputed champion!

the one question on everyones mind, Kerry? How is your uncle Dusty doing?

So is this the point where HHH and Stephanie come out and tell Ortiz he can have his contract.... IF he beats Daniel Bryan at "Hell In A Cell", available on PPV?

I can't believe this. Y'all do realize that there are some young ladies that frequent this site, are you not? Now they're going to think that baseball is a water sport, bless their hearts.

If wearing a mismatching hoodie and sweatpants in public is all it takes to be mistaken for Dwight Howard, then I'm surprised it doesn't happen to me regularly as well.