Brian Earl Spilner

Nothing wrong with rooting for the bad guy. Everyone needs a bad guy. We like bad characters like Clay Morrow and Tony Soprano. Smark is “knowing” why and why not someone is getting “pushed”. Also, defining Smark for anyone makes you a Smark. :-)

Someone should probably tell her that you are a Troll.

Hopefully he doesn’t pledge Epsilon Rho Rho. Those guys are know for Bending the rules and causing a ruckus for the Chancellor.

That sir/ma’am was the perfectly cromulent way to use cromulent.

Americans will poach anything.

I just want to sit there, in silence and just enjoy.

This is a new fad? My friend’s wives have been talking about this kind of shit (pun intended; because duh) since I met them. Anytime I quietly remove my self from the room or sequester myself to Clash of Clans they point out how I am not adding to their conversation. To which i reply “really? Really? You need me to

This is like jumping the red light just to be first at the next red light. The season doesn’t start any sooner, no matter how much you run like DE scoring a TD.

You are the answer to “how to fix reality car shows?”

How to Fix Car Reality Shows? Make Doug the head writer/producer and host. I get excited about your columns because you are generally excited about writing them.

You are our scrub!

Now playing

Whatever these guys are doing, hire them away! I watched 29:18 of chair making without a single music bed or word.

FSU is the worst. Which says a lot when you are in a conference with the likes of UNC, The U AND Duke. FSU go home, you are drunk.

The Hawks are good, very good. As you may have noticed they have won rather often. The Pens on the other hand are not very good. When other Pens score besides Crosby, it’s because Crosby wanted it to deflect off their stick before it went in. No one has his vision, not since Wayne.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a Punk fan. More because I am a Heyman Guy, but that pipe bomb. Oh boy that changed storytelling. But AJ is AJ and AJ kicked ass just like Lita and Trish and Sable, but no one chanted for Matt Hardy/Edge, or Mark Mero (no one lol!) and minus the sexist VKM adultery angels, no man was chanted

Even when Crosby isn’t on the ice, he makes his teammates better. He is like Charlie Conway with Adam Banks skills.

Nothing irritates me more than when they would chant CM Punk when AJ was out there kicking names and taking ass. Smarks are the worse.

This is just so awesome. All these positive comments are just amazing. The fact that it is being covered in all seriousness, which is not how Sports Entertainment is ever covered, is the cherry on top.

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, the Four Horsewomen has quietly stopped calling the NXT “Divas” Championship

My Mini vacations at The Speedway at Willow Springs.

Those of us stuck on the Deadspin NCAA Bracket Chain Email should have been invited to join :-(