Can you guys get off the fucking mcdonald's obsession?
Can you guys get off the fucking mcdonald's obsession?
@That Shy Guy: well done.
@macrumpton: Hardly ridiculous. I'm merely pointing out what may not be immediately obvious to many viewers, who may be mislead by what they think they are seeing and expect more than what is feasible today. Which is a common problem. Moore's law is great and all that, but it's hardly good science for people to see…
@johnnyabnormal: Which is your prerogative, and not unreasonable. But feeding the huge overpopulated nations inevitably involves science. Agriculture is strained to the limit, because there are too many damn people, which means that there isn't enough "range" for free range chicken for everyone. People want to have…
@johnnyabnormal: No, they do not contradict mu statement that the process is not in widespread use. The documents you supply here are merely detailing the process itself, but I see no figures or even claim that a large fraction of the beef (not chicken) processed in the US has any connection to this process at all. I…
@johnnyabnormal: I have to point out, we are all bags of "chemicals." I understand and agree that the food industry has to be held to account for what it does with food and particularly how it treats living creatures. But panicking at "chemicals" being used, as many people do, is just silly. Like people who fear…
@GMorgan: I'm all for decreasing or ending animal products as a food source, but it's not going to happen if the world population keeps soaring. If people could be convinced to have no more than two children per couple, you might have a hope of feeding the world with vegetable sources of protein alone.
@gstatty: Did you grind up white and dark meat immediately off the bone?
@johnnyabnormal: You show a link to a patent, that's not any kind of indicative fact about the actual usage. Small and dilute amounts of ammonia are used in a small number of beef processing facilities as an antimicrobial agent, and the process has been found safe, however it is not in widespread use, which you can…
@707kevin: Which in turn come down to overpopulation. If the people complaining about all the various ills of society stopped and did some critical thinking, they would realize that 90% of the problems humanity faces come from a single cause: overpopulation, couples having more than two children.
@johnnyabnormal: Soaking blended meat in ammonia doesn't have any positive benefit for the food industry, they have no reason to do so, and you shouldn't repeat slander simply because you want to believe it.
@johnnyabnormal: Meh. The real problem with the loss of efficacy in antibiotics isn't processed food, it's overprescribing by doctors and the hyperchondriacs who insist that they get antibiotics for every little cold.
@DrSpaceboots: Or they fell for a salacious scam article and felt the need to self regulate.
Well done. The original article pissed me off. I don't like it when people forward their own agenda with falsehood and scare tactics, even when the original agenda is, at least on it's surface, a good one (trying to get people to eat healthier.) When you see obvious "gross out" tactics like the original article you…
Hmmm. This is on the web. Nell, all bank accounts should deposit 1 cent for every dollar spent into my account. (hey, when Nell controls everything one day this will pay off.)
@thehackerdude: Probably water on the lens.
It sure as hell explains the black turtleneck fetish. I bet the ninja hood is rolled up in the neck part.
Awesomeness. But still dependent on motion capture data, meaning all this is being sensed and computed on a computer, not the little aircraft. So basically you have a computer 'seeing' the room with the array of mocap heads you see at the top of the room, and using that data to pilot a little rc aircraft. Autonomous,…
@aMatic: Theres hope though... Both tron and green lantern have the makings of films with good art and creative vision throughout. Let's hope the scripts are equally good. Bad writing is also a plague, for many of the same reasons as above, plus massive unionization.
@GeneralError: I am a vfx artist, and I agree that there's something wrong in Hollywood, but I don't think it's the artists or cg in itself... I see tremendous skill and capability in artists and the capability is there just as it was before cgi. But the process of filmmaking has changed, with creative control being…