Best. Effects. Ever.
Best. Effects. Ever.
@Kogo: Those average red blooded pilots are nowhere near as aggressive as top gun consuming civilians might believe.
@REO Speedwagon: But that's not the comparison.
@mrgibblechip: Ever been mugged?
I think ideology has had a bit too much influence on the way this was presented. Look at it this way: warriors in charge of one of the most powerful armies the world has ever seen are voluntarily taking serious efforts to do what they can to reduce the power of their weapons. Out of concern for the harm they might do.…
@Maave: As their broken spine goes crunch crunch and the jagged bone splinters perforate organs and sever nerves.... Huah!
I thought this was a terrible idea until I went to complain and they let me see the system for itself. They even gave me a test drive. Now I think it's fantastic! DARPA is awesome, and I've decided I'm going to leave the government everything I own in my will, and go bungee jumping this weekend.
Oh sure it looked like a nice little pony, but don't be fooled, it was f$&ing dangerous. They lure you to candy mountain and then whambo you wake up missing a kidney.
(Fills 100 water balloons and puts them in a pile)
It's common sense that you bear an ethical responsibility when selling technology, or anything else, to a party with an obvious motive for abuse. You don't sell a gun to a guy rolling his eyes and muttering "I'll show those bastards" and then glibly say what happens after that has nothing to do with you. And you don't…
Yeah sure it looks nice and comfy, but after 15 minutes in there your legs begin to cramp and a small child begins to kick you repeatedly in the back.
"Some people say Cameron is bitchy,
They need to come up with a better naming scheme... D3 d300 d300s d3x d3000 d5000 d3100 zomg I'm losing track of which is which...
@AssuntaPabsy: It does seem kinda mandatory doesn't it?
"Scaring the sh$t out of fish since 2009!"
This will give peewee h a heart attack.
We kicked 'u' out! And those pesky indians. We saved the whales, but we're going to have them later if the Japanese leave us any.
@DarthSnuggles: He ignores the fact that in the real world almost every instance of exponential growth tapers off, due to various damping effects... Complexity on paper is limitless, but in natural systems limits almost always occur, to the point that we have in fact observed only two kinds of singularities in nature,…
@Jonathan Altman: RK is fixated on his notion of a singularity of knowledge, where a lot of factors like moores law come together, potentially in our lifetimes, to a point of exponential growth where the impossible becomes reality.