
@Dacker: There are plastic 'water' props just for this kind of product shot, too.

911 services and hospitals assume victims of falls over 15 feet to be critically injured until tests show otherwise. Similarly, the force of a sideways fall from 7 feet is easily sufficient to cause severe skull fractures, which is why even low speed bike, motorcycle and skateboard accidents can be deadly and why er

@unaffected: Actually I despise rules, but am realistic enough to know that it's easy to cleverly snicker all the way to doing time. Personally, I'd rather pass on the easy con and the subsequent risks.... and focus my efforts towards maximizing income instead of minimizing costs. Moral ambiguity and anarchy has

@swc oxcart: And prisons are full of people who miscalculated on risk/reward choices. But do what you want.

Risk versus reward... Reward = a discount. Risk = a felony fraud conviction. And this is good advice? Why not follow up with an article about getting cash writing bad checks?

@Avohkah Tamer: Sorry, biased but less overtly hostile isn't very impressive to me... This country is as divided as it is because too many peole have fallen into the trap of refusing to admit that there are good people on both sides of the aisle. Instead of pontificating and running propaganda, gizmodo could actually

@menuka: Ok. Just don't try to act like you're open minded about any belief but your own...

@DaCapin: I prefer people who openly express their views to ones who plant stories intended to influence peoples votes and who go out of their way to vilify anyone who doesn't agree with them. On one hand, people voicing their opinions and engaging in debate. On the other, people who propagandize and ostracize anyone

@Apollo: Sorry, but you're kidding yourself. Diplomacy which gives the other side what it wants isn't much good, nor is diplomacy which consists of vacillating between empty threats and promises of payoffs while violent men arm themselves and promise to wipe their neighbors off the map. Maybe you think that kind of

@The5thElephant: "Reality has a liberal bias" sheesh that kind of brainless faith is exactly the kind of wacky fanaticism the bible thumpers the left despises wallow in... So many people have just replaced church themes with socialist mantras, it makes me I'll to watch.

@korbermeister: Offend me? No. But it's hardly good journalism to present opinion as fact, and it's disingenuous to laugh off a pretty obvious effort to use this site as a forum to spread what is at best opinion and at worst willful disinformation. Whether you agree with the opinions or not, none of us benefit from

@Kelevra: I don't mind reading about politics as it applies to technology here... But this article was one sided and posted one day before elections, meaning any rebuttal can't come prior to people casting their votes. Doesn't that seem a bit underhanded and manipulative to you?

@rudyfrederic: I don't think that's true at all. Sillicon valley is a result of capitalism, not socialism. Most new technology comes from the business sector and the incentives it creates - a sector which is becoming increasingly embattled as those on the hard left seek to castrate evil corporations and replace them

@heime45: Yeah, I was hoping for something not completely one sided.

Yucca Flat is nothing in comparison to the semipalatinsk wasteland in Kazakhstan, where the soviets tested their bombs. The difference? Their tests, over 455 of them, were above ground, creating vast plains which are radioactive to this day and one of the most poisonous regions on the planet.

There's a video tap, so I'm guessing HD video.

@grimjack28: Easy, the answer is C, the rent is too damn high.

Fine, fuck 'em, well mine the moon. Oh wait we crapper out on human space exploration and have to have the Russians give us rides to the space station... Well. Damn.

But then, the robots discover an awful truth... the LIKE punching humans...

Sure, you fall for her charms and then out come the killbots.