
@puzz: Read closer. His point is that DNA does not contain rules to make a brain, it contains rules for cells which interact under certain conditions to result in a brain. Unless you understand and model those conditions, the dan sequence is meaningless. You have source code, but no compiler, and in this case the

@Jack Skitt: Its called a 'degloveing amputation' and is incredibly traumatic. I hope the guy rots in jail for life.

(gives this guy the finger)

@jaroslavstehlik: But he is a CEO earning millions for a Fortune 500 company, it's part of his job to be bulletproof against hearsay litigation. Even CEOs in much less lofty positions are prepared to disprove such accusations. If they are even vaguely competent their entire day is logged, visitors are checked in and

@Mopster: There are circumstances where cops are allowed to punch people. Like I have said, I am just playing devils advocate and stressing that there can be more to this than we can see from the tape. An investigation is called for, a lynching isn't.

@jaroslavstehlik: So you believe a person's history defines them? Once a slut always a slut, eh? And therefore she doesn't deserve the same considerations and respect you would demand for yourself? Thats a dangerous road to take, where we all judge each other harshly and any past misdeeds are life sentences.

@RainyDayInterns: Depends on why he was arrested. Maybe he was giving a friend instructions to go find the cops family and kill them, or saying he was going to push him into an oncoming car. The settlement is probably for the only clearly incriminating bit I see, which was jerking the suspect around once he was cuffed

@sMACkaddict: It's probably because the camera is intended to monitor traffic and the operator needed to gauge how much traffic was being tied up, perhaps in response to a query. I strongly doubt that the operator had any 'big brother' motive, in fact he captures the one bit of the video which I feel is clearly

@.Trenchant.: But there are other possible explanations for what the tape shows. Maybe the guy was a known and wanted criminal. Maybe he was a suspect involved in the case and the cops saw a weapon. Or he was using the phone to hide the fact that he was busy eating evidence. Or he was loudly telling his buddies to

@drielok: I noticed the suit, too. It's entirely possible that the guy was also a suspect, and if the cop saw a weapon (say a pistol hidden under his shirt) then the sudden force takedown was reasonable. I'm not saying one way or another, but seriously people are leaping to a conclusion of "obvious brutality" when the

Remember people, we don't know the context. I'm not saying this is the case - Denver PD has a very poor rep in Law Enforcement circles for being overly agressive. But you can't judge this kind of thing fairly without the whole story. Example: The guy makes a gesture toward the cops while saying something, who then

(pops open a can of soda while watching. Yay co2!)

@Buzz Mega: Yeah, I can only afford 'do' on my budget. I looked at 'is' but the meaning proved too variable to justify the expense.

Fusion, baby.

@Badmofo: It's magical. But not flash-y magic, dark turtleneck magic.

@pete1061: I totally agree. Our current system is doing as much harm as good. And i'm not opposed to house arrest as a form of punishment for minor crime. But I don't trust ten current system enough to make it an option, next thing you know hardcore violent criminals will be running their 'business' out of their home

@Dave: Thats how it started... Prisoners were given privileges and incentives for 'good behavior' and it kept getting expanded until now it's taken for granted that prisoners can have tvs, pantries of personal food, etc... Heck, they can even get let out years earlier than their sentence. Put them to work, educate

@Crunch: Ferrets don't rape and murder people. Yes our system is broken and incarcerates a lot of people for silly reasons. But there are a lot of people out there who spread hurt and misery without a second thought unless forcefully prevented from doing so.

@Addzter: Hey, if we build a wall around New York..... Never mind.... ;)

@sunspot72: Not condoning hate, but people can vehemently disagree that this is a good idea without being 'regressive.'