
We've forgotten the point of the entire penal exercise... To make prospective criminals think twice. For that to work, they have to believe in their gut that they are likely to be caught, caught quickly, and immediately pay an exceedingly unpleasant consequence. That doesn't work when they feel like their is a good

@buckleyneko1: Yeah. And .swf would be nice. DO YOU HEAR ME STEVE JOBS?!? Fume fume rant

You missed 'highbornHD' ... The most amusing turn based strategy game I've played on iPad, quite good.

"Damn, my vacation is over... Oh look, my employees stole all my crap and made a cute cardboard diorama while I was gone. " I hate it when stuff like this goes on at work, myself. I'm always really freaking busy doing the 80% of the hard work that only gets done by 20% of ten workforce, while the others f*#k around

Cool. But I'd bet these are business and project management types... The guys who actually make the stuff the sell are likely stuffed in a dark hole somewhere slaving away....

@Henry Postigo: Who gave up his childhood. I wouldn't trade places, but then again neither, probably, would he...

Bullies, note... THIS is the kid you want to beat up for his lunch money.

It's still fugly. Retro fugly, but fugly. With two 'uhs.' Fuughly.

@CIM: I use it for all kinds of stuff, both as an artist, musician and as a TD at a film studio. Most useful so far is as a portable VPN terminal to bigger machines at the studio when I'm on set, but we have also used it as a motion tracked monitor to view virtual sets. And recently mental images demo'ed the iPad as a

Thanks grandpa. Ummm, what is it?

Tip, ladies... Shoot stalker in head, not spinal column.

Aaah, another OCD achievement. Give that man 3000 Popsicle sticks.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: But part of being a CEO paid millions of dollars is recognizing that you are a target for litigation, and being prepared to refute false claims. It only takes having an employee log your activites, not being alone with female employees, and keeping video records, which many fortune 500 execs do. Seems

@SKiTz: I just find it interesting that you characterize her as doing whatever it takes for money and recognition... Posing topless and starring in soft porn may have been her means to keep a roof over her head, it doesn't mean by default she is a gold digger. Regardless, that fortune500 company shouldn't have been in

@tekdemon: And best of all, you can use your 'findings' to support any political ideology you desire... Like the notion that ownership of property and land is the root cause of WAR. The professor says so. So give everything you have to (the church, the dictator, the party etc...) this kind of "academic" is much loved

@topgeargorilla: Yeah fuck progress we want to live in the dirt and have sex as we choose! Stupid farmers ruined everything and condemned us to this awful orgy free existence which leads to WAR (cavemen were peaceful, just ask one, the clubs were just for cave bears.)

Ahh, the blissful idyllic life of the technology free human... Sexual freedom, every child has an entire community of parents, alcoholism doesn't exist, everyone shares equally, harmony with nature, and jealousy doesn't exist. A hippie nirvana. Too bad it's a crock. Nature wants to eat you, nomadic tribes are

@swerrrvin: But that's one of the reasons CEOs get paid so much... They are in positions of power and are also targets for false claims. If he was worth the millions he was getting paid he would have been documenting all of his contacts and could have blown any false claim out of the water. "You say X happened at such

@MightyMonk: Ive been falsely accused of sexual harassment, picked at random to support a false claim for the purpose of getting easy cash. It was awful. But I also know women who have been pressured for sex and even raped by men in power over them, and who have been treated horribly just because they are attractive