
@kbnguy001: I'm dismayed by how people seem to feel she was scum and he wasn't. CEOs can't be womanizing scumbags? Or if they are they don't deserve the kind of contempt we are giving this woman? Maybe she is a money seeking whore, maybe not. But he didn't fight to uphold my name which suggests he might be a guy who

@FiveLiters: If she was in a legit position and had a legit complaint HP was in the wrong, and he deserved to be fired. If she was, as you suggest a company whore, HP was in the wrong, and he deserved to be fired.

@thebullfrog:seems pretty obvious... hP looked into it, checked out what he's been up to and realized he was a scumbag who can't be trusted, so they got him out of there.

@jaroslavstehlik: Or maybe... I had a wild youth but have been working fairly and in good faith and don't deserve to be treated like a whore. I did what I had to do but am sad he lost his job, and I didn't sue HP over it for easy money.

@CoreyHawke: Maybe she wanted him to stop, he wouldn't, she reported it, but felt bad when he lost his job over it. The fact that she didn't litigate when it's gotten so much press indicates to me that she's operating on principle rather than digging for cash, because she could hold up HP for far more. As far as HP

@CapitalC: They give you a link to an uncensored image, what more do you want? They simply allowed the article to be read without nudity which might get a reader at work in trouble - ie doing you a favor.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Not. Models who pose nude don't sign their rights away, nor do they deserve to be treated in ways unacceptable for anyone else.

@michael: Thats a pretty caveman attitude to take. Just because someone poses for naked photos doesn't mean they should be forced to endure pressure to have sex, listen to sexual innuendo from coworkers or their boss, or be treated with any less respect than anyone else. I don't know if her claim was true or not, but

@SKiTz: She has a right to pose for any photographs she wants, and that doesn't mean she can't be harassed or shouldn't have her claims taken seriously. Your logic is like claiming an ex prostitute can't be believed if they say they've been raped.

Don't convince me, prof, I don't need the convincing. Make the gadgets.

Good art. Skill, insight and hard work resulting in something new and beautiful, which can stand on it's own without a lot of doublespeak.

@unclemeat79: Yeah that's the problem with OCD... The will is there but the methodology is FAIL. But they make up for it by selling it at a trendy art studio in NYC after they get their grant.

Give this guy a pell grant, so he can move on to his next art project, stringing together the largest popcorn garland ever made.

If you're going to act out in a psycho fit, a dramatic exit via an emergency gas operated inflatable slide is, well, kinda cool...

@Jaredu: Dont worry, if that happens you won't be mad... For long...

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Cause the Aztecs ran out of post it notes when they were making their calendar.

@theGreenCabbage: There is a heavily shielded solar satellite called Kronos which has a series of cameras which only let in particular wavelengths of light.... Think super duper polarized sunglasses of the gods. The satellite has a ton of unique engineering to allow it to operate in the near-solar or it it's in, and

@William Hook: Ball of life? Stand a little closer to it and call it that... ;)

@peasant slayer: Maybe the machines will use that event as an ugly launch of the robot wars... Chair rips off Steve jobs head, machines attack! News at 11!