
I have uncomfortable images in my head of just what some people are doing with their phones...

Caress me, robot slave!

@An Atheist Jew: I agree that these conditions are inappropriate for some of the world's rarest and most precious animals. As well as inadequate. However many modern zoos which follow the San Diego model are places of conservation and care for animals which have been basically overrun by human expansion. If people

Go panda, go panda, it's your birthday, go panda...

@Wwhat: Exactly, bathrooms won't exist... We will simply plug our waste management connectors into the commonly found receivers at work, theaters and maglev stations, and receive credits for the volume of our "contribution," which is piped off to the mass convertors. See? The future of poo is bright and shiny! ;)

Or.... Pipe that grey water to a park built to do the same thing while providing precious space for wildlife.

@wjglenn: Agree except that last bit. Hands off, machines!

@failtroll_is_fail: One day people will read about our bathrooms and be amazed that we were so primitive, and wasteful of precious water, tree paper and organic raw resources. And they will laugh out loud that we had entire rooms dedicated to waste hygiene...

@techynottreky: If you make a book out of a tree that fell in the woods, does it make sound?

Ha! Ha! I created a book in secret and didn't tell anyone, throwing this metric off and reducing the world to chaos! Wait until I get these lasers on the rabid weasels...

@Akendall3: You shouldn't feel disgust for your home country, you should study what happened and why so the same situation never has to happen again. The USA didn't just go 'ha ha! Let's kill them all!' It was a reasoned and planned action, agonized over, which feeling and ethical men who's nation had sacrificed

@tpg0007: Well said. The entire war was a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. We should study what happened before and during the war and try to understand as a people how to avoid ever getting into to such a situation again.

@Norbs: You're thinking in black and white terms. Japan was a terrible aggressor, and we barely managed to get the upper hand. They were not beaten, and would not surrender, in fact civilians were committing mass suicide rather than surrender as we moved in. If we just left, they would have regrouped and continued to

@Norbs: Yeah, it's awful... The whole war was awful. Everyone did terrible things, and millions of innocents suffered. And all because a handful of men in Germany, Japan and Italy put their ambitions ahead of all life. The lesson we need to take with us is to always be aware that some people will hurt any number of

@pinshot: The science was there. Others were already working on it. Thank god the first nation to make and use such weapons did so to stop a war, instead of a hitler using them to conquer the world, and that that nation is doing everything it can to keep such weapons from ever being used again. I have a hard time

@xzibillion: Ummm, depleted uranium doesn't cause mutations. You're more likely to be poisoned by the paint on the face of your watch.

@Ian Norton: Easy to pontificate about it generations later. But the people who dropped those two bombs were thinking, feeling humans, not some kind of evil selfish stereotype. Is it so strange to believe that they truly felt it was the best option, and that they were as concerned and aware as you or I of the ethics

@Ian Norton: Easy to pontificate about it generations later. But the people who dropped those two bombs were thinking, feeling humans, not some kind of evil selfish stereotype. Is it so strange to believe that they truly felt it was the best option, and that they were as concerned and aware as you or I of the ethics

@MaliciousH: You can't close pandoras box. There will always be evil tyrants capable of making and using such weapons. That's why it's so vitally important that we keep Iran and north Korea contained, until the day that their leadership changes. People like Kim Jong il and the Iranian clergy/dictatorship, who have

@ledzep23: All I can say is that we weren't there making the decision, which was agonized over, and that the entire war was marked by mass casualties in civilian areas on both sides. While American cites were spared, many more civilians perished in Russia, China, Europe, the phillipines and the uk than were killed by