
@John Addis: I think it was just taken low to the ground with a wide aperture. But I noticed it too, unusually sophisticated composition for an early photo.

I like the biscuits and big can of karo syrup... Yum

@mikeslps: Theyre beautiful so long as every photo you see isn't like this. I remember growing up in the 70 s and all of the ugly, off color yellowish images everywhere sucked.

(goes to the local planetarium for the most boring pink Floyd show EVER...)

@niteflyp38: You can't solve those problems by just giving away money, they require development not cash. Most poverty in the world is a result of evil men in power who keep their people impoverished or who allow corruption, ignorance and violence to disrupt growth towards a greater good. Those people expand if you

@xsbs: Exactly. My local dog rescue club uses every dollar, and the people working it spend their lives and income helping dogs. But the huge corporate charities only spend pennies on the dollar actually doing any good, and half of them are more like PR fronts than meaningful contributors to the greater good.

@i5xswipe: Thats why the notion that we can save the country by decimating the rich is such a crock. We remove the deficit by controlling the excesses of government, not wall street.

@jimbimmer: Yeah if he could convince George to stop suing people I'd call him saint bill. )

@Dr. What?: You need to have a 'ga' in there to convert a big number into an imaginary fuck-all number. Billion - real. Gazillion - imaginary fuck all. So if this was 600 gabillion we would all be flabbergasted.

@brianworkman: Sure. I donate almost half my income to it, too. And they give it away for the greater good , sounds like a charity to me. I'm a fucking philanthropist w00t.

This is a wonderful thing. However I would hope that they invested in supporting research and technology startups which would create transformative technologies which would improve living conditions globally in a permanent fashion rather than just "bailing water" charities which maintain the status quo.

@acemannw: hmmm, dude you praised and insulted him in a single shot. That's kinda ninja.

Well done. It's easy to be a dick (I speak from experience) but takes some class to admit it and apologize in public. (I'm going to have to try that one of these days... ;)

@Jack Sampson: When your fall back plan contains the words "jury rig," " duct tape," or "russian capsule" there is room for improvement.

(Starts shopping for flamethrowers on bay.)

Ok, it's their money and they are free to spend it how they wish... But... Seeing that people pay this kind of $ for a car wash hurts when I recently spent weeks helping to raise a tiny fraction of that to fund a surgery for a puppy who's back was broken in an act of abuse. I would never advocate forcing anyone to

@aMatic: Bling! Not boing! Curse you Steve Jobs, you and your evil iPad spellchecker! I hope you rob in hall!

"aims to form a bridge between the rigidity of the architecture and the softness of the merchandise..." This set off my BS-ometer (itself made of aluminum foil.) They made it because it was a quick easy boing treatment for a crap space.

Well, Giz, at least you have a bunch of characters with gadgets...